Figure 1.
Long-range beta coherence between macaque F5 and 7B in the absence of beta spike phase locking within F5
(A) Illustration of floating microelectrode array (FMA) recordings (total 128 channels).
(B) Power spectra during memory period.
(C and D) Spike-field phase locking within 7B and F5 (C) and between F5 and 7B (D). Locking was quantified with the PPC, which is unbiased and proportional to the squared spike-field coherence (Vinck et al., 2012). Phase-locking values were averaged over all electrodes in the corresponding grid. Spikes were pooled across all neurons in a session. Average number of neurons per session was 22.3 (7B) and 17.9 (F5). Standard error was computed across 4 conditions 6 recording sessions.
(E and G) Coherence and WPLI (weighted phase lag index) between 7B and F5. See Figure S1 for dependence of coherence on 7B beta power.
(F and H) Coherence and WPLI between medial and lateral 7B grids.
See also Figure S1.