Layer-specific LGN-V1 gamma coherence
(A) Neuropixels recordings from V1 and LGN and the average V1 CSD.
(B) LGN-V1 coherence versus cortical depth. For LGN, we computed a surrogate LFP (sLFP) from the population LGN spiking activity.
(C) sLFP-LFP coherence between LGN and V1 versus the number of recorded LGN neurons. LGN-V1 coherence (dots) was underestimated because it was computed using a relatively small set of LGN neurons (compared to all LGN neurons). We directly quantified this by analytically deriving the asymptotic coherence between LGN and V1 (dashed line). Shaded area indicates 95% confidence interval.
(D) Average V1 CSD and LGN firing rates around detected gamma peaks in the LGN sLFP.
(E) Within-areal spike-sLFP phase locking (PPC), separately for LGN and V1 (LGN and V1: 1,219 and 1,912 neurons, respectively). To compare phase locking, we used the sLFP for both areas.
(F) PPC between spikes in different V1 layers and the LGN sLFP.
(G) Average gamma PPC values from (E). ∗∗∗p < 0.001; Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test, comparisons between areas or layers. Error bars and shadings in (E), (F), and (G) indicate SEMs.