Fig. 5. Leaf physical properties of indicated genotypes.
A Image of a mature fifth leaf of indicated genotypes, bar = 1 cm. B Outline of abaxial epidermal cells of indicated genotypes, bar = 50 µM. C, D Average area and perimeter of abaxial epidermal cells in indicated genotypes. E–F Average area and perimeter of mesophyll cells in indicated genotypes. G Average number of non-glandular trichome hairs on adaxial leaf surface in indicated genotypes. Cell size and trichome numbers were counted using ImageJ. H Cartoon depicting the expression domain of the FIL and BLS promoters, adapted with permission from Shani et al. [104]. I Representative images of recapitulation in agar using prepared polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) negative replicas of the left hand second lateral leaflet from each indicated genotype. See also Supplementary Fig. S8. C–G Box plots are shown with inner quartile ranges (box), outer quartile ranges (whiskers), median (line), all points indicated. A–F Letters indicate significance in a one-way ANOVA with a Dunnett post hoc test, N > 15, p < 0.0005. G Letters indicate significance in an unpaired two-tailed t test, N = 8, p < 0.02.