Figure 1.
Different glutamate receptor perturbations produce different presynaptic homeostatic plasticity (PHP) responses
(A) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and quantal content (QC) from saline (Ctrl)- or PhTx-treated NMJs. n = 25 (Ctrl) versus 23 (PhTx).
(B) QC and median mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl- and PhTx-treated cells along with group median and median absolute deviation as error bars.
(C) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and QC from Ctrl- or γDGG-treated NMJs. n = 22 (Ctrl) versus 22 (γDGG).
(D) QC and median mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl- and γDGG-treated cells along with group median and median absolute deviation as error bars.
(E) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and QC from Ctrl- or Gyki-treated NMJs. n = 23 (Ctrl) versus 22 (Gyki).
(F) QC and median mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl- and Gyki-treated cells along with group median and median absolute deviation as error bars. The solid and dashed lines in (B), (D), and (F) represent the expected QC to restore EPSP amplitudes to the untreated median EPSP amplitude (±20%). Extracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]e) = 0.3 mM. The whiskers of the box plots extend to either 1.5 times the inter-quartile range or to the farthest data point, whichever is closest to the respective quartile. Individual data points are shown as gray dots. p, p value; r, effect size; ns: p ≥ 0.05; ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.