Figure 3.
PhTx and Gyki exhibit differential effects on GluRIIA- and GluRIIB-containing receptors
(A) Representative mEPSP traces and mEPSP amplitude quantification for PhTx-untreated or -treated and Gyki-untreated or -treated GluRIIASP16 mutant NMJs. n = 12 (−PhTx) versus 11 (+PhTx); n = 14 (−Gyki) versus 14 (+Gyki).
(B) Representative mEPSP traces and mEPSP amplitude quantification for PhTx-untreated or -treated and Gyki-untreated or -treated GluRIIBSP5 mutant NMJs. n = 13 (−PhTx) versus 10 (+PhTx); n = 14 (−Gyki) versus 12 (+Gyki). The whiskers of the box plots extend to either 1.5 times the inter-quartile range or to the farthest data point, whichever is closest to the respective quartile. Individual data points are shown as gray dots. p, p value; r, effect size; ns: p ≥ 0.05; ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.