Presynaptic PKD promotes Gyki-induced PHP-induced but not PhTx-induced PHP
(A) Summary of the screen to identify genes involved in Gyki-induced PHP. Each genotype is represented by a dot representing the relation between ratio of median QC with or without Gyki treatment and ratio of median mEPSP amplitude with or without Gyki treatment. The solid line and dashed lines below and above the solid line represent functions 1/x, 0.8/x, and 1.2/x, respectively. Genotypes falling within the upper and lower dashed lines have similar EPSPs (±20%) with or without Gyki treatment. Genotypes below the lower dashed line have EPSP reduction of more than 20% after Gyki treatment. Red dot is presynaptic PKD knockdown.
(B) Expression of fluorescently tagged endogenous PKD (stained with anti-GFP) and the neuronal membrane marker HRP. PKD fluorescence (green) overlaps with HRP (red) in the merged image. In addition, PKD expression was seen in other non-neuronal compartments, such as trachea. Scale bar, 10 μm.
(C) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and QC for Ctrl- or Gyki-treated NMJs with presynaptic PKD knockdown.
(D) QC and mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl and treated cells along with the median and median absolute deviation as error bars. n = 40 (Ctrl) versus 37 (Gyki).
(E) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and QC for Ctrl- or Gyki-treated hypomorphic PKDH mutant NMJs.
(F) QC and mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl and treated cells along with the median and median absolute deviation as error bars. n = 48 (Ctrl) versus 55 (Gyki).
(G) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and QC for Ctrl or Gyki-treated NMJs expressing wild-type PKD presynaptically in the PKDH mutant background.
(H) QC and mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl and treated cells along with the median and median absolute deviation as error bars. n = 21 (Ctrl) versus 21 (Gyki).
(I) Representative traces (mEPSPs and EPSPs), mEPSP amplitudes, EPSP amplitudes, and QC for Ctrl- or PhTx-treated hypomorphic PKDH mutant NMJs.
(J) QC and mEPSP amplitude of individual Ctrl and treated cells along with the median and median absolute deviation as error bars. n = 32 (Ctrl) versus 41 (Gyki). The solid and dashed lines in (D), (F), (H), and (J) represent the expected QC to restore EPSP amplitudes to the untreated median EPSP amplitude (±20%). [Ca2+]e = 0.3 mM. The whiskers of the box plots extend to either 1.5 times the inter-quartile range or to the farthest data point, whichever is closest to the respective quartile. Individual data points are shown as gray dots. p, p value; r, effect size; ns: p ≥ 0.05; ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.