aThe participant flow diagram for the 25 871 participants randomized in VITAL has been provided elsewhere.15
bIncluded 76 190 individuals with history of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and/or safety exclusion criteria; 32 647 individuals unwilling to forgo supplemental vitamin D3 intake greater than 800 IU/d, supplemental calcium intake greater than 1200 mg/d, or fish oil supplementation during the trial; 13 521 men younger than 50 years and women younger than 55 years; and 4465 individuals who reported another exclusion criterion (eg, participation in another trial).
cParticipants could have had more than 1 exclusion condition. ICD indicates, International Classification of Diseases; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; PHQ-8, 8-item Patient Health Questionnaire; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.