Fig. 10.
The distribution of the studied AFLP genotypes of 188 Sporothrix isolates originated worldwide, using self-organizing mapping (SOM). The dimensioning analyses were performed using BioNumerics v. 7.6 to determine the consistency of the differentiation of the populations defined by the cluster analysis. (A) and (B) show the SOM for combination #3 EcoRI-GA/MseI-TT (n = 188) using character data (binary matrix) and similarity matrix, respectively. (C) and (D) show the SOM for combination #5 EcoRI-GA/MseI-AG (n = 188) using character data (binary matrix) and similarity matrix, respectively. (E) and (F) show the SOM for combination #6 EcoRI-TA/MseI-AA (n = 188) using character data (binary matrix) and similarity matrix, respectively. The lighter and thicker the line (white, grey) between black blocks, the more distant are those samples contained in the black block from the adjacent black block. Isolates were colour-coded according to their genetic groups.