A. BEAST time-tree estimate with ages sampled from 11 concatenated, protein-coding genes, calibrated to a mean age of 5 million years at the most recent common ancestor of the Fusarium oxysporum species complex. The BEAST search was constrained to a maximum likelihood topology from 40 concatenated, protein-coding genes in IQ-TREE, from which genealogical concordance factors are provided above nodes. Blue stars indicate nodes that were not supported by UltraFast Bootstraps (<95 %, 10 000 replicates). Taxon names are based on a phylogenetic species hypothesis shown in Fig. S5. B–E. SplitsTree neighbour networks based on SNPs called in each phylogroup. B. Phylogroup 9 (471 669 SNPs), C. Phylogroup 5 (625 191 SNPs), D. Phylogroup 6 (70319 SNPs), E. Phylogroup 2 (197 928 SNPs), F. Phylogroup 1 (1 630 980 SNPs).