Figure 2.
Deleting aNSCs by MAM improved LTP in the CA1 area of APP/PS1 mice
(A) Timeline for the experiments.
(B) Representative photomicrographs of DCX+ cells in the DG of NTG and APP/PS1 mice treated with vehicle or MAM. Scale bar, 100 μm.
(C) Quantification of DCX+ cells in the DG of 4-month-old NTG + Veh (n = 3), NTG + MAM (n = 4), APP/PS1 + Veh (n = 4), and APP/PS1 + MAM mice (n = 3). Two-way ANOVA: genotype × treatment, F(1,10) = 0.0052, p = 0.9437; genotype, F(1,10) = 77.83, p < 0.0001; treatment, F(1,10) = 0.8097, p = 0.3894; ∗∗∗p < 0.001 with Bonferroni post hoc test, data are represented as mean ± SEM.
(D) Representative traces showing LTP in CA1 of NTG mice treated with vehicle or MAM.
(E) Representative traces showing LTP in CA1 of APP/PS1 mice treated with vehicle or MAM.
(F) Representative traces showing LTP in CA1 of both NTG and APP/PS1 mice treated with vehicle or MAM, replotted from (D and E).
(G) Quantification of the last 15 min of fEPSP recordings (NTG + Veh, n = 8 slices from 3 mice; NTG + MAM, n = 10 slices from 3 mice; APP/PS1 + Veh, n = 11 slices from 3 mice; APP/PS1 + MAM, n = 9 slices from 4 mice). Two-way ANOVA: genotype × treatment, F(1,34) = 41.88, p < 0.0001; genotype, F(1,34) = 2.033, p = 0.1630; treatment, F(1,34) = 4.106, p = 0.0506; ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 with Bonferroni post hoc test, data are represented as mean ± SEM.
(H) The strength of basal synaptic transmission reflected by I/O relationships at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses was not affected by deleting aNSCs. Two-way ANOVA, data are represented as mean ± SEM. See also Figures S2 and S3.