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. 2020 Winter;19(4):ar56. doi: 10.1187/cbe.20-04-0081


Important predictor variables for PJR factor scores

Variable name Variable description
Diff in SE Post–pre difference in research self-efficacy
Diff in BM Post–pre difference in likelihood of pursuing a biomedical research career
SATIS Sum score for satisfaction with mentoring relationship
ATT Sum score for attitudes toward science
Diff in SI Post–pre difference in science identity
DIV Sum score for diversity
preSI Pre sum score for science identity
PG Sum score for personal gains
RS Sum score for research skills
TWS Sum score for thinking and working like a scientist
MCA Sum score for mentor competency scale
DIV Sum score for mentors’ skills in discussing diversity with the mentees and valuing and respecting cultural differences
TR Total number of months of prior research experience
Born in US Indicator variable, with “1” indicating born in the United States