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. 2021 Apr 26;43(1):45–52. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001054


Paired sample t-tests with adjusted p values for equivalent variables of EMA and EDD on a Likert scale (0–6)

Mean EMA (SD) Mean EDD (SD) p Cohen’s D
Anger 1.756 (1.723) 1.870 (1.748) <0.001* 0.065
Annoyance 3.382 (1.931) 3.414 (1.932) 0.156 0.017
Anxiety 1.575 (1.42) 1.648 (1.44) <0.001* 0.050
Avoidance 1.454 (1.477) 1.422 (1.451) 0.156 −0.022
Distracting 3.242 (1.891) 3.202 (1.855) 0.110 0.065
Fear 1.403 (1.399) 1.425 (1.431) 0.170 0.016
Happy 2.503 (1.308) 2.507 (1.247) 0.815 0.003
Invasiveness 3.461 (1.895) 3.522 (1.805) <0.001* 0.033
Pleasant 3.649 (2.271) 3.587 (2.28) 0.030 −0.027
Sadness 1.869 (1.679) 1.956 (1.697) <0.001* 0.051
Stress 1.831 (1.576) 2.102 (1.587) <0.001* 10.172
Mean early EMA (SD) Mean EDD (SD) p Cohen’s D
Anger 1.885 (1.777) 1.997 (1.791) <0.001* 0.063
Annoyance 3.337 (1.954) 3.372 (1.939) 0.348 0.018
Anxiety 1.690 (1.447) 1.750 (1.452) <0.001* 0.042
Avoidance 1.563 (1.514) 1.550 (1.485) 0.974 −0.009
Distracting 3.199 (1.912) 3.175 (1.858) 0.920 0.063
Fear 1.507 (1.43) 1.532 (1.463) 0.580 0.017
Happy 2.52 (1.354) 2.527 (1.283) 0.974 0.006
Invasiveness 3.374 (1.893) 3.438 (1.792) 0.007 0.034
Pleasant 3.408 (2.294) 3.377 (2.3) 0.920 −0.013
Sadness 2.007 (1.711) 2.066 (1.726) <0.001* 0.035
Stress 1.988 (1.605) 2.211 (1.594) <0.001* 10.140
Mean late EMA (SD) Mean EDD (SD) p Cohen’s D
Anger 1.386 (1.5) 1.503 (1.564) <0.001* 0.076
Annoyance 3.511 (1.857) 3.534 (1.906) 1 0.013
Anxiety 1.248 (1.285) 1.353 (1.361) <0.001* 0.079
Avoidance 1.142 (1.317) 1.053 (1.28) 0.012 −0.068
Distracting 3.365 (1.826) 3.276 (1.847) 0.080 0.076
Fear 1.101 (1.259) 1.119 (1.287) 1 0.014
Happy 2.456 (1.164) 2.448 (1.134) 1 −0.006
Invasiveness 3.709 (1.881) 3.762 (1.82) 0.296 0.029
Pleasant 4.339 (2.054) 4.19 (2.11) <0.001* −0.072
Sadness 1.475 (1.517) 1.639 (1.572) <0.001* 0.106
Stress 1.379 (1.397) 1.789 (1.523) <0.001* 10.279
Mean early EMA (SD) Mean late EMA (SD) P Cohen’s D
Anger 1.87 (1.748) 1.756 (1.723) <0.001* Paired Cohen’s D could not be computed due to an unequal number of measures
Annoyance 3.414 (1.932) 3.382 (1.931) 0.003
Anxiety 1.648 (1.44) 1.575 (1.42) <0.001*
Avoidance 1.422 (1.451) 1.454 (1.477) <0.001*
Distracting 3.202 (1.855) 3.242 (1.891) 0.004
Fear 1.425 (1.431) 1.403 (1.399) <0.001*
Happy 2.507 (1.247) 2.503 (1.308) 0.163
Invasiveness 3.522 (1.805) 3.461 (1.895) <0.001*
Pleasant 3.587 (2.28) 3.649 (2.271) <0.001*
Sadness 1.956 (1.697) 1.869 (1.679) <0.001*
Stress 2.102 (1.587) 1.831 (1.576) <0.001*

p < 0.001.

p < 0.05.

Inverted item.

EDD, end-of-day diary; EMA, ecological momentary assessment.