a, Maximum electrical and thermal power for a single blue μ-ILED (460 nm) as a function of RF power applied to the transmission antenna for HM and BM devices. b, c, d, Same simulation as reported in (a) for green (535 nm), orange (590 nm), and red (630 nm) μ-ILEDs respectively. e, Maximum electrical and optical irradiance for a single green μ-ILED (535 nm) as a function of RF power applied to the transmission antenna for HM and BM devices. f, Illumination volume and penetration depth as a function of optical irradiance from a green μ-ILEDs (535 nm; cutoff intensity 0.1 mW/mm2). g, h, Same simulation as reported in (e) and (f) respectively for an orange μ-ILED (590 nm). i, j, Same simulation as reported in (e) and (f) respectively for a red μ-ILED (630 nm).