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Salmonella nomenclature in use at CDC,  2000a

Taxonomic position Nomenclature
Genus (italics) Salmonella
Species (italics) •  enterica, which includes subspecies I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IV, and VI
•  bongori (formerly subspecies V)
Serotype (capitalized, not italicized)b   •  The first time a serotype is mentioned in the text; the name should be preceded by the word “serotype” or “ser.”
•  Serotypes are named in subspecies I and designated by antigenic formulae in subspecies II to IV, and VI and S. bongori
•  Members of subspecies II, IV, and VI and S. bongori retain their names if named before 1966

In 1984 Farmer et al. (10) updated the reporting system used at CDC for Salmonella. The major changes that CDC made and that result in a difference from the 1984 reporting system are (i) capitalization of the serotype name, (ii) inclusion of subspecies VI and S. bongori, and (iii) adoption of the type species name S. enterica


Examples of serotype designations are Salmonella serotype (ser.) Typhimurium, Salmonella II 50:b:z6, Salmonella IIIb 60:k:z, and Salmonella ser. Marina (IV 48:g,z51:−).