A) Composite UMAP showing the overlay of spike-specific B cells from individuals who recovered from non-severe (left) or severe (right) disease onto all B cells from that group. B) Overlay of major B cell subsets and isotypes onto the composite UMAP. C) Expression of CD80, Ki-67, and CD95 by spike-specific (S+) IgG+ B cells in individuals who experienced non-severe (n = 7) or severe (n = 5) COVID-19. D) Expression of T-bet, FcRL5, CD11c, and CD21 by spike-specific IgG+ B cells in individuals who experienced non-severe or severe COVID-19. In all plots, the median expression level of the marker of interest in all IgG+ B cells from both non-severe and severe COVID-19 recovered patients are indicated with a dashed line (see also S5 Fig). E) Expression of T-bet, FcRL5, and CD11c by all IgG+ B cells in individuals who experienced non-severe or severe COVID-19. * P < 0.05.