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. 2021 Feb 23;11(14):8323–8345. doi: 10.1039/d0ra08030f

The applications of multivariate modeling techniques in continuous tablet manufacturing.

Model Application References
PLS, PCA In the continuous powder blending and tableting process, the PCA model, as an exploratory data analysis tool, was used to explore the effects of experimental variables on PAT spectra. The PLS model was applied to predict the CQAs of the tablet 300
In the CDC manufacturing process, the PCA model was applied to identify possible outliers or abnormalities. Transmission NIR spectroscopy, combined with the PLS model, was used to measure blending uniformity and detect tablet content uniformity 301
In the CM line, the PLS model was performed to detect CQAs. The multivariate analysis model could be applied for process monitoring 302
The PCA model was performed to analyze spectral data. The PLS model, which links spectral data to response variables of interest, was established. The developed multivariate models can be integrated into the online prediction tool 303
Based on the PCA and PLS model, multivariate monitoring charts could monitor various units in the continuous manufacturing process 304
PLS/PCA, multiblock PCA/PLS Various latent models were used to describe and monitor the time variables in the continuous twin-screw granulation and drying process. It can detect and diagnose deviations in the continuous manufacturing process 305
PCA, MLR In the RTRT of the tablet, the multivariate model was developed to predict dissolution profiles in a CDC system. The NIR data were processed by the PCA model. Based on the NIR spectra, MLR could be applied to predict tablet dissolution behavior 204
PLS Based on the calibration model, the powder density in a continuous line can be predicted 306
The PLS model was developed to predict blending powder bulk density in the CDC manufacturing process based on the NIR data 283
Using the NIR tool, the developed off-line PLS calibration model could monitor the continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process's API concentration 307
NIR spectroscopy as a PAT tool was used to measure API content combined with the PLS model 308
MLR MLR models were built to explore the relationship between process conditions and response variables, such as flowability, ejection force, and tablet strength. Based on the model, a design space was developed for high-dose tablets in CM 309
PCA The PCA model can extract concentration-related information from NIR spectral data 310