Figure 4.
DEPs of CSF from 8 COVID-19 patients with Neurologic Manifestations vs Control patients. (A), Volcano plot for identified proteins in CSF between 8 COVID-19 patients and 3 control patients. Proteins with fold-change beyond 1.2 or below -1.2 with p value lower than 0.05 were considered as significantly differential expression. (B, C) KEGG Enrichment Pathway and GO Oncology analysis of differentially expressed proteins with significance (n =185) that corresponded in the (A). (D) The diagram shows 185 proteins in CSF and 59 in serum were significantly altered in COVID-19 vs control groups. Note that only 20 proteins were in common, indicating the limited overlap. Venn diagrams showing that there were 20 proteins shared between CSF DEPs and Serum DEPs. 19 shared proteins were consistently downregulated in both samples while one protein (marked with asterisk in A) showed the opposite change in two samples.