Figure 2.
Effect of trehalase specific inhibitor Validamycin A on D. majalis protocorm characteristics. Cultivation on symbiotic medium OMA or asymbiotic medium SMS with 100mM glucose or 50mM disaccharides; modified to contain 0 or 150μM Validamycin A. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences. (A) Validamycin A inhibits growth of trehalose-supported protocorms (4-month cultivation, medians, Nested ANOVA followed by TukeyC test on log-transformed data). (B) Non-structural carbohydrate contents in protocorms from (A) (mean values and SD of total soluble carbohydrate and starch contents, ANOVA, Tukey–Kramer test. For statistics see Supplementary Table 2). (C) Soluble carbohydrate contents in the media after cultivation of protocorms from (A) (mean values and SD of total soluble carbohydrate content, for statistics see Supplementary Table 3) (D) Validamycin A has no effect on sucrose-supported protocorms (4-month cultivation, medians, Nested ANOVA followed by TukeyC test on log-transformed data). (E) Validamycin A blocks growth of symbiotic protocorms grown from seeds directly on experimental media (2-month cultivation, medians, Nested ANOVA followed by TukeyC test on log-transformed data). (F) Validamycin A inhibits growth of older symbiotic protocorms (precultured for 2months without the inhibitor, measured increase in size during subsequent culture in experimental conditions next 2months, Wilcoxon signed-rank test).