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. 2021 Dec 18;68:127448. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127448

Table 1.

Questions in Gardening with Edibles Survey.

The current pandemic has affected our lives and resulted in some changes in our routines. On the bright side, we are spending more time with our family and engaging in activities such as gardening. As research has shown that participating in gardening enhances our mental wellbeing and emotional resilience, we would like to understand how you, as our participant of the Growing with Edibles programme, are coping during this period. The set of statements below, adapted from the Singapore Mental Health Resilience survey, is a simple scale that assesses your level of resilience. Please select the option which best describes how much you agree or disagree with each statement. (Please be assured that your answers will be kept confidential.)
1 I am able to handle unpleasant emotions, like sadness, fear and anger. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
2 I stay calm in difficult circumstances. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
3 My religious or moral beliefs give me strength and courage for my life. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
4 I believe my life has a meaning and purpose. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
5 My family understands how I feel. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
6 I am confident that I can solve problems in life. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
7 I can find humor in difficult situations. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
8 The problems I have are caused by other people. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
9 In most situations I worry that something bad will happen to me or those I love. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
10 I do not keep thinking about things I cannot change. Always Most of the time About half the time Sometimes Never
11 How much time do you spend in a week on gardening?
< 1 h 1 to 4 h
4 to 8 h > 8 h
N.A. I do not garden
12 Email ____________
13 Place of residence 14 Age
Public apartment (HDB housing) Under 18 45 – 54
Private apartment (Condominium etc.) 18 – 24 55 – 64
Landed housing 25 – 34 65 – 74
35 – 44 >74