Table 7.
Variable | Category | With complication | No complication | p-value |
Demographic | Age (yr) | 14.86±2.44 | 15.44±4.36 | 0.498 |
Sex (male:female) | 11:14 | 25:14 | 0.093 | |
Preop weight (kg) | 45.06±14.88 | 45.93±16.90 | 0.840 | |
Preop size (cm) | 148.8±15.4 | 146.7±19.14 | 0.730 | |
Hospital (public/private) | 18/10 | 15/21 | 0.369 | |
No. of comorbidities | 3.96±2.5 | 2.47±1.6 | 0.009 | |
Previous surgeries (yes/no) | 19/9 | 21/15 | 0.302 | |
Thelarche age (yr) | 9.75±2.5 | 10.57±1.13 | 0.464 | |
Menarche age (yr) | 12.65±1.7 | 12.93±1.7 | 0.589 | |
Preop brace (yes/no) | 12/16 | 9/27 | 0.107 | |
Allergies (yes/no) | 8/20 | 10/26 | 0.320 | |
Ambulatory status (yes/no) | 16/12 | 24/11 | 0.250 | |
No. of seizures (/mo) | 0.5±1.2 | 0.28±0.9 | 0.390 | |
No. of UTI (/yr) | 0.9±1.5 | 0.3±1.1 | 0.095 | |
No. of LRTI (/yr) | 1.0±1.7 | 0.67±1.5 | 0.458 | |
No. of patients (ASA I/II/III) | 4/17/7 | 12/18/6 | 0.207 | |
Perinatal | Birth weight (kg) | 3.176±739 | 3194±596 | 0.914 |
Birth size (cm) | 48.23±4.8 | 48.07±3.83 | 0.873 | |
Delivery (wk) | 37.62±2.9 | 38.17±2.6 | 0.436 | |
Pathological pregnancy (normal/pathological) | 6/31 | 6/20 | 0.273 | |
Delivery (eutocic/c-section) | 16/9 | 18/17 | 0.609 | |
Perintal pathology (no/yes) | 14/13 | 28/8 | 0.029 | |
Laboratory | Preop glicemia (mg/dL) | 84.7±8.2 | 89.9±7.9 | 0.016 |
Preop blood bitrogen (mg/dL) | 15.75±5.0 | 13.4±4.3 | 0.055 | |
Hematocrit preop (%) | 40.4±4.2 | 40.3±4.2 | 0.973/0.908 | |
Hemoglobin preop (g/dL) | 13.3±1.8 | 13.27±1.1 | - | |
Surgical | Rod material (titanium/CrCo/both) | 19/7/2 | 16/19/1 | 0.074 |
All screws/low density | 23/5 | 24/12 | 0.010 | |
No. of instrumented levels | 13.93±2.9 | 12.31±3.3 | 0.044 | |
LIV to pelvis (yes/no) | 8/28 | 11/17 | 0.458 | |
Surgical technique (VCA/AD) | 13/15 | 21/15 | 0.244 | |
Osteotomies Schawb (1–6) | 0/11/2/0/0/0 | 0/11/2/1/0/0 | 0.592 | |
Simultaneous dethethering (yes/no) | 4/24 | 4/32 | 0.495 | |
Surgical time (min) | 245.0±80.2 | 189.7±86.7 | 0.012 | |
Bleeding (mL) | 1,112±865 | 800±418 | 0.065 | |
Use of intravenous TXA (yes/no) | 17/19 | 18/10 | 0.134 | |
Use of topical TXA (yes/no) | 29/7 | 24/4 | 0.296 | |
No. of transfusions–red blood cells | 3±2.0 | 1.75±1.2 | 0.123 | |
No. of transfusions–platelet | 2.88±2.9 | 3.7±3.1 | 0.700 | |
Hematocrit (%) | 27.6±5.7 | 29.5±3.9 | 0.170 | |
Hemoglobine (g/dL) | 9.5±2.0 | 10.23±1.4 | 0.092 | |
pH | 7.3 | 7.3 | 0.578 | |
PO2 (mmH2O) | 111.9 | 86.5 | 0.298 | |
pCO2 (mmH2O) | 40.7 | 42.7 | 0.465 | |
Drain (superficial) | 17 | 11 | 0.021 | |
Drain (deep) | 10 | 18 | 0.003 | |
Intensive care unit | 4.65 | 2.29 | 0.178 | |
Intensive treatment unit | 3.16 | 1.26 | 0.108 | |
Medical-surgical unit | 6.77 | 3.55 | 0.094 | |
Mechanical ventilation (yes/no) | 7/18 | 7/26 | 0.578 |
Values are presented as mean±standard deviation or number, unless otherwise stated. Bold type is considered statistically significant.
Preop, preoperative; Postop, postoperative; UTI, urinary tract infections; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infections; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; LIV, lower instrumented vertebra; VCA, vertebral coplanar alignement; AD, apical derotation; TXA, tranexamic acid; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PO2, partial pressure of oxygen.