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. 2020 Dec 28;15(6):778–790. doi: 10.31616/asj.2020.0263

Table 7.

Risk assessment for complications

Variable Category With complication No complication p-value
Demographic Age (yr) 14.86±2.44 15.44±4.36 0.498
Sex (male:female) 11:14 25:14 0.093
Preop weight (kg) 45.06±14.88 45.93±16.90 0.840
Preop size (cm) 148.8±15.4 146.7±19.14 0.730
Hospital (public/private) 18/10 15/21 0.369
No. of comorbidities 3.96±2.5 2.47±1.6 0.009
Previous surgeries (yes/no) 19/9 21/15 0.302
Thelarche age (yr) 9.75±2.5 10.57±1.13 0.464
Menarche age (yr) 12.65±1.7 12.93±1.7 0.589
Preop brace (yes/no) 12/16 9/27 0.107
Allergies (yes/no) 8/20 10/26 0.320
Ambulatory status (yes/no) 16/12 24/11 0.250
No. of seizures (/mo) 0.5±1.2 0.28±0.9 0.390
No. of UTI (/yr) 0.9±1.5 0.3±1.1 0.095
No. of LRTI (/yr) 1.0±1.7 0.67±1.5 0.458
No. of patients (ASA I/II/III) 4/17/7 12/18/6 0.207
Perinatal Birth weight (kg) 3.176±739 3194±596 0.914
Birth size (cm) 48.23±4.8 48.07±3.83 0.873
Delivery (wk) 37.62±2.9 38.17±2.6 0.436
Pathological pregnancy (normal/pathological) 6/31 6/20 0.273
Delivery (eutocic/c-section) 16/9 18/17 0.609
Perintal pathology (no/yes) 14/13 28/8 0.029
Laboratory Preop glicemia (mg/dL) 84.7±8.2 89.9±7.9 0.016
Preop blood bitrogen (mg/dL) 15.75±5.0 13.4±4.3 0.055
Hematocrit preop (%) 40.4±4.2 40.3±4.2 0.973/0.908
Hemoglobin preop (g/dL) 13.3±1.8 13.27±1.1 -
Surgical Rod material (titanium/CrCo/both) 19/7/2 16/19/1 0.074
All screws/low density 23/5 24/12 0.010
No. of instrumented levels 13.93±2.9 12.31±3.3 0.044
LIV to pelvis (yes/no) 8/28 11/17 0.458
Surgical technique (VCA/AD) 13/15 21/15 0.244
Osteotomies Schawb (1–6) 0/11/2/0/0/0 0/11/2/1/0/0 0.592
Simultaneous dethethering (yes/no) 4/24 4/32 0.495
Surgical time (min) 245.0±80.2 189.7±86.7 0.012
Bleeding (mL) 1,112±865 800±418 0.065
Use of intravenous TXA (yes/no) 17/19 18/10 0.134
Use of topical TXA (yes/no) 29/7 24/4 0.296
No. of transfusions–red blood cells 3±2.0 1.75±1.2 0.123
No. of transfusions–platelet 2.88±2.9 3.7±3.1 0.700
Hematocrit (%) 27.6±5.7 29.5±3.9 0.170
Hemoglobine (g/dL) 9.5±2.0 10.23±1.4 0.092
pH 7.3 7.3 0.578
PO2 (mmH2O) 111.9 86.5 0.298
pCO2 (mmH2O) 40.7 42.7 0.465
Drain (superficial) 17 11 0.021
Drain (deep) 10 18 0.003
Intensive care unit 4.65 2.29 0.178
Intensive treatment unit 3.16 1.26 0.108
Medical-surgical unit 6.77 3.55 0.094
Mechanical ventilation (yes/no) 7/18 7/26 0.578

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation or number, unless otherwise stated. Bold type is considered statistically significant.

Preop, preoperative; Postop, postoperative; UTI, urinary tract infections; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infections; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; LIV, lower instrumented vertebra; VCA, vertebral coplanar alignement; AD, apical derotation; TXA, tranexamic acid; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PO2, partial pressure of oxygen.