FIG. 2.
Requirement for stress-induced enhanced binding of ERSF to ERSE. (A) The EMSAs were performed with HeLa NEs prepared from either control (−) or Tg-treated (+) cells with the different probes as indicated at the top. (B) ERSF binding to ERSE requires the GGC motif. The EMSAs were performed with either the wild-type (wt) −98 ERSE of grp78 or the GGC(m) mutant as a probe. (C) The probe used was wt −98 ERSE. No antibody was added to the first two lanes. Anti-YY1 or anti-NF-Y antibody was added to the reaction mixture as indicated at the top. The ERSF, NF-Y, and YY1 complexes formed are indicated by an open circle, a closed arrowhead, and an open arrowhead, respectively.