The developmental origins of the corticoamygdaloid and transition nuclei. (A) The nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (nLOT), located at more rostral levels, contains three layers that originate from distinct progenitor pools. While the exact molecular origin of layer 1 and 3 (nLOT1/3) is currently unknown, nLOT3 was found to contain an abundance of caudoventral MGE/Diagonal area (cvMG/Dg)-derived cells and Er81-expressing cells, the latter that might originate from the basolateral amygdala (BLA, basal pallial unit) and surrounds the entire nLOT. Scattered interneurons of unknown origin (Dlx5/6) are present in the nLOT1, which might also express Lhx9 (controversial). In contrast to nLOT1/3, the origin of nLOT2 is well-known and its principal cells are derived from the posterior pallial unit. Emx1+ cells are complemented by Sim1+ cells from the supraopto-paraventricular hypothalamus (SPV). The dorsal part of the anterior amygdala area (AAd), also visible at this level, contains a significant proportion of dLGE-derived Pax6-expressing cells. In contrast, the ventral part (AAv) contains a mix of cvMGE-derived cells, Lhx9+ cells from the anterior amygdala unit and some Otp+/Foxg1+ cells from the hypothalamus (TOH). (A–D) The corticoid nuclei of the amygdala are divided along the rostrocaudal axis into an anterior (ACo), posteromedial (PMCo), and posterolateral (PLCo) part. They are all derived from different pallial amygdalar units (anterior, posterior, and basal, resp.) and contain a mix of Dbx1+ and Emx1+ cells. Both the ACo and PMCo contain cells from hypothalamic origin (SPV), with those from ACo well-annotated to the TOH, and those from PMCo currently unknown. The entire corticoid nuclei contain scattered MGE- and CGE-derived interneurons, with the PMCo and PLCo additionally containing a subset of cvMGE/Dg-derived interneurons. (D) The amygdalo-hippocampal interface (AHi) is visible at the most caudal level and consists of cells from the posterior pallial amygdala unit (mostly Emx1+) and cvMGE-derived interneurons.