Table 2.
Average chemical composition (g/kg DM) and energy value (ME MJ/kg DM) of the experimental feeds (g/kg DM).
Feed/ Nutrient |
Haylage | Hay | Oats | Soya Groats | Rapeseed Groats | Linseed Groats |
DM | 627 | 849 | 856 | 897 | 880 | 926 |
OM | 938 | 940 | 966 | 930 | 928 | 939 |
CP | 111 | 83,2 | 107 | 495 | 364 | 301 |
NDF | 617 | 604 | 288 | 114 | 280 | 264 |
ADF | 329 | 327 | 123 | 57,7 | 185 | 142 |
Ash | 61.9 | 60.5 | 33.8 | 70.3 | 72.5 | 60.7 |
ME MJ | 9.7 | 9.7 | 12.3 | 13.4 | 11.9 | 15.9 |
DM = dry matter; OM = organic matter; CP = crude protein; NDF = neutral detergent fibre; ADF = acid detergent fibre; ME MJ = metabolizable energy in megajoules.