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. 2021 Dec 6;11(12):3477. doi: 10.3390/ani11123477
Study Species Common Name Migratory Status Intrinsic Marker Region Regression Method Precipitation Gender Equation n r2 p-Value Reference
Barbastella barbastellus Western barbastelle sedentary δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.37 × δ2Hp) − 5.52 217 0.67 <0.001 [15]
Barbastella barbastellus Western barbastelle sedentary δ2H Europe LMM / REML Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.07 × δ2Hmap) − 16.84 178 0.72 NR* [40]
Chaerephon cf. pumilus Little free-tailed bat sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Eidolon helvum Straw-colored fruit bat migratory δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.52 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Epomophorus crypturus Peters’s epauletted fruit bat likely non-migratory δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.5 2 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Epomophorus wahlbergi Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat likely non-migratory δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.52 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Epomophorus wahlbergi Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat likely non-migratory δ13C, δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined elevation = 4635 − (67 × 15Nf) + (112 × 13Cf) 66, 65 0.22 0.004, 0.002 [61]
Epomops franqueti Franquet’s epauletted fruit bat likely non-migratory δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.52 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Eptesicus isabellinus Meridional serotine sedentary δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.37 × δ2Hp) − 5.52 217 0.67 <0.001 [15]
Eptesicus isabellinus Meridional serotine sedentary δ2H Europe LMM / REML Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.07 × δ2Hmap) − 16.84 178 0.72 NR* [40]
Eptesicus serotinus Serotine bat sedentary δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.37 × δ2Hp) − 5.52 217 0.67 <0.001 [15]
Eptesicus serotinus Serotine bat sedentary δ2H Europe LMM / REML Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.07 × δ2Hmap) − 16.84 178 0.72 NR* [40]
Hipposideros caffer Sundevall’s roundleaf bat sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Hypsignathus monstrosus Hammer-headed bat likely non-migratory δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.52 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Lasionycteris noctivagans Silver-haired bat migratory δ2H North America geostatistical model Mean growing season precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.70 × δ2Hp) − 40.65 NR* 0.67 <0.001 [20]
Lasiurus borealis Eastern red bat migratory δ2H North America GLM Mean annual precipitation male δ2Hf = (−0.82 × δ2Hp) − 58.80 17 0.33 0.0482 [226]
female δ2Hf = (1.35 × δ2Hp) − 6.30 36 0.31 0.0003
juvenile δ2Hf = (0.67 × δ2Hp) − 23.97 28 0.16 0.0143
combined δ2Hf = (0.48 × δ2Hp) − 26.10 81 0.07 0.0201
Lasiurus borealis Eastern red bat migratory δ2H North America RMA Mean growing season precipitation male δ2Hf = (1.48 × δ2Hp) + 13.95 20 0.69 <0.001 [67]
female δ2Hf = (1.75 × δ2Hp) + 18.02 44 0.29 <0.001
combined δ2Hf = (1.67 × δ2Hp) + 16.84 64 0.37 <0.001
Lasiurus borealis Eastern red bat migratory δ2H North America RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.00 × δ2Hp) + 8.17 64 0.41 <0.001 [31]
Lasiurus cinereus Hoary bat migratory δ2H North America NR* Mean growing season precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.7884 × δ2Hp) − 24.81 104 0.60 <0.001 [28]
Lasiurus cinereus Hoary bat migratory δ2H North America OLS Mean growing season precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.73 × δ2Hp) − 42.61 117 0.55 <0.001 [19]
Lasiurus cinereus Hoary bat migratory δ2H North America RMA Mean June/July/August precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.874 × δ2Hp) − 41.8 117 0.49 <0.001 [31]
Lissonycteris angolensis Angolan fruit bat sedentary δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.52 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Lissonycteris angolensis Angolan fruit bat sedentary δ13C, δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined elevation = 4635 − (67 × 15Nf) + (112 * 13Cf) 66, 65 0.22 0.004, 0.002 [61]
Miniopterus natalensis Natal long-fingered bat migratory δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Miniopterus schreibersii Schreiber’s bat migratory δ2H Europe LMM growing season precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.62 × δ2Hisoscape) − 14.66 NR* NR* NR* [227]
δ2Hwing = (0.64 × δ2Hisoscape) − 14.64 NR* NR* NR*
Myotis lucifugus Little brown myotis migratory δ2H North America GLM Mean annual precipitation male δ2Hf = (0.49 × δ2Hp) − 30.90 12 0.19 0.1527 [226]
female δ2Hf = (0.33 × δ2Hp) − 40.41 54 0.06 0.0492
juvenile δ2Hf = (1.09 × δ2Hp) − 9.31 12 0.40 0.1291
combined δ2Hf = (0.52 × δ2Hp) − 30.82 78 0.17 0.0002
Myotis lucifugus Little brown myotis migratory δ2H North America OLS Mean growing season precipitation combined δ2Hf = (2.69 × δ2Hp) + 96.93 NR* 0.63 <0.001 [172]
Myotis septentrionalis Northern myotis migratory δ2H North America GLM Mean annual precipitation male δ2Hf = (0.79 × δ2Hp) − 4.73 10 0.53 0.0088 [226]
female δ2Hf = (1.25 × δ2Hp) + 18.48 16 0.71 0.0001
juvenile δ2Hf = (1.65 × δ2Hp) + 17.64 7 0.47 0.0258
combined δ2Hf = (0.98 × δ2Hp) + 5.48 33 0.54 <0.0001
Myotis sodalis Indiana bat migratory δ2H North America GLM Mean annual precipitation male δ2Hf = (0.90 × δ2Hp) − 0.59 12 0.46 0.0115 [226]
female δ2Hf = (0.71 × δ2Hp) − 8.17 39 0.35 0.0001
juvenile δ2Hf = (2.18 × δ2Hp) + 30.33 8 0.63 0.0046
combined δ2Hf = (0.83 × δ2Hp) − 2.97 59 0.49 0.0001
Neoromicia nana Banana pipistrelle sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Nyctalus leisleri Leisler’s bats migratory δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.27 × δ2Hp) − 7.35 178 NR* <0.001 [34]
Nyctalus noctula Common noctule migratory δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.37 × δ2Hp) − 5.52 217 0.67 <0.001 [15]
Nyctalus noctula Common noctule migratory δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.27 × δ2Hp) − 7.35 178 NR* <0.001 [34]
Nyctalus noctula Common noctule migratory δ2H Europe LMM Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.92 × δ2Hp) − 30.72 335 NR* NR* [63]
Nycteris thebaica Egyptian slit-faced bat likely non-migratory δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Perimyotis subflavus Tri-colored bat migratory δ2H North America quadratic Mean growing season precipitation male δ2Hf = (−0.036 × δ2Hp2)-(1.789 × δ2Hp) − 45.607 29 0.86 <0.01 [29]
female δ2Hf = (−0.034 × δ2Hp2) − (1.606 × δ2Hp) − 40.375 27 0.75 <0.01
Pipistrellus cf. grandidieri Dobson’s pipistrelle sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Pipistrellus pipistrellus Common pipistrelles sedentary? δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.27 × δ2Hp) − 7.35 178 NR* <0.001 [34]
Pipistrellus nathusii Nathusius’ pipistrelles migratory δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.27 × δ2Hp) − 7.35 178 NR* <0.001 [34]
Pipistrellus nathusii Nathusius’ pipistrelles migratory δ2H Europe NR* Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (0.74 × δ2Hp) − 83.96 458 NR* NR* [39]
Pipistrellus sp. sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Plecotus auritus Brown long-eared bat sedentary δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.37 × δ2Hp) − 5.52 217 0.67 <0.001 [15]
Plecotus auritus Brown long-eared bat sedentary δ2H Europe LMM / REML Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.07 × δ2Hmap) − 16.84 178 0.72 NR* [40]
Plecotus austriacus Grey long-eared bat sedentary δ2H Europe RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.37 × δ2Hp) − 5.52 217 0.67 <0.001 [15]
Plecotus austriacus Grey long-eared bat sedentary δ2H Europe LMM / REML Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.07 × δ2Hmap) − 16.84 178 0.72 NR* [40]
Rhinolophus cf. clivosus Geoffroy’s horseshoe bat sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Rhinolophus sp. sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]
Rousettus aegyptiacus Egyptian fruit bat sedentary δ2H Africa RMA Mean annual precipitation combined δ2Hf = (1.52 × δ2Hp) − 54.09 193 NR* <0.001 [30]
Rousettus aegyptiacus Egyptian fruit bat sedentary δ13C, δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined elevation = 4635 − (67 × 15Nf) + (112 × 13Cf) 66, 65 0.22 0.004, 0.002 [61]
Rousettus lanosus Long-haired rousette sedentary δ13C, δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined elevation = 4635-(67 × 15Nf) + (112 × 13Cf) 66, 65 0.22 0.004, 0.002 [61]
Scotophilus dingani African yellow bat sedentary δ15N Africa OLS N/A* combined 15Nf = (−0.01 × elevation) + 28.78 55 0.32 <0.001 [61]

“NR*” signifies information that was not reported in the literature source while “N/A*” signifies the information in that column is not applicable. Regression methods are abbreviated in the table as follows: Reduced Major Axis (RMA), Linear Mixed Effects Model fit by Reduced Maximum Likelihood (LMM/REML), Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Generalized Linear Model (GLM), Linear Mixed Effects Model (LMM).