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. 2021 Nov 23;9(12):1746. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9121746

Table 3.

Principal recent clinical trials regarding treatment of patients with GPP and PPP/PPPP.

Drug References Study Type (Randomization Ratio, If Applicable) Identifier Number, If Applicable Participants * Details of Treatment (AT in Placebo-Controlled Studies) Main Efficacy Results (Primary Outcome, If Applicable)
(anti-IL-36 receptor mAb)
[126] Phase 1, proof-of-concept, OL, SA NCT02978690 7 patients with GPP flare Single intravenous dose at 10 mg/kg At week 4, GPPGA score of 0 or 1 (“clear” or “almost clear”) in all patients, and mean GPPASI improvement from baseline of 79.8%
[127] Phase 2a, DB, RPC
(1:1:1) NCT03135548 59 PPP patients 900 mg or 300 mg intravenously every 4 weeks at Day 1, 29, 57 and 85 PPPASI50 response at week 16 in 31.6% in each of the two AT groups vs. 23.8% in the placebo group (N.S.)
(anti-TNF-alpha mAb)
[128] Phase 3, OL, SA NCT02533375 10 Japanese GPP patients 80 mg s.c. at week 0 followed by 40 mg every other week: last dose at week 50 (escalation to 80 mg every other week at week 8 or later, if necessary) Clinical response [remission (TSS 0) or improvement (reduction of ≥1 point from a baseline TSS of 3 or ≥2 points from a baseline TSS of ≥4)] at week 16 in 70% (n = 10)
(anti-TNF-alpha mAb)
[129] Phase 3, OL, SA
SPREAD study NCT01680159 7 Japanese GPP patients with loss of efficacy to standard-dose maintenance therapy Escalation to 10 mg/kg (intravenous infusion) every 8 weeks Severity graded as mild in 71% and moderate in 29% at week 0, and mild in all patients at weeks 24 and 40
(anti-IL-17A mAb)
[130] Phase 3, OL, SA NCT01952015 12 Japanese GPP patients 150 mg s.c. at week 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, and then every 4 weeks until week 52 (300 mg in 2 non-responders) At week 16, treatment success in 83.3% (n = 10) [CGI of “very much improved” (n = 9) or “much improved” (n = 1)]
[131] Phase 3b, DB, RPC (1:1:1)
2PRECISE study NCT02008890 237 patients with moderate-to-severe PPPP 300 mg or 150 mg s.c. at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and then every 4 weeks until week 52 At week 16, PPPASI75 response in 26.6% of patients with high-dose AT, 17.5% with low-dose AT and 14.1% of patients who received placebo (N.S.)
[132] Extension period for patients with meaningful clinical response after completion of the 2PRECISE study NCT02008890 94 PPPP patients
in total
Extension of AT after week 52 up to 148 weeks At week 148, PPPASI75 response rates increased in all groups, with similar levels for placebo/low-dose AT (75%), placebo/high-dose AT (77.8%), and initial high-dose AT (78.3%), and 100% responders in the initial low-dose AT group
(anti-IL-17A mAb)
[133,134] Phase 3, OL, SA
UNCOVER-J study NCT01624233 5 Japanese GPP patients 160 mg at week 0, 80 mg every 2 weeks from week 2 to week 12, 80 mg every 4 weeks thereafter up to week 244 GIS of “resolved” or “improved” in all patients from week 12 onward
(anti-IL-17 receptor A mAb)
[135] Phase 3, OL, SA NCT01782937 12 Japanese GPP patients 140 mg s.c. at weeks 0, 1 and 2, and then every 2 weeks until week 52 (escalation to 210 mg at week 4 and beyond, if necessary) CGI of “improved’ or ‘remission’ in 83.3% at week 12 and 91.7% at week 52
(anti-IL-23p19 mAb)
[136] Phase 3, OL, SA NCT02343744 10 Japanese GPP patients (9 evaluable) 50 mg s.c. at weeks 0, 4 and every 8 weeks until week 52 (beginning at week 20, escalation to 100 mg every 8 weeks, if necessary) At week 16, treatment success in 77.8% [CGI of “very much improved” in 2 patients, “much improved” in 2, and “minimally improved” in 3 subjects)
[137] Phase 2, proof-of-concept, DB, RPC (1:1) NCT01845987 49 Japanese PPP patients 200 mg s.c. at weeks 0 and 4 Reduction in mean PPSI total score from baseline at week 16 −3.3 in the AT group vs. −1.8 in the placebo group (difference in LS mean, −1.5; 95% CI, −2.9 to −0.2; p = 0.03)
[138] Phase 3, DB, RPC (1:1:1) NCT02641730 159 Japanese patients with refractory PPP 100 mg or 200 mg s.c. at weeks 0, 4, and 12, and every 8 weeks thereafter At week 16, LS mean change in PPPASI score from baseline −15.3 (p < 0.001) for the low-dose AT group and −11.7 (p = 0.02) for high-dose AT group vs. −7.6 for the placebo group
[139] Extension period NCT02641730 133 patients
completed the study at week 84
Treatment until week 60.
At week 16, re-randomization from the placebo group to AT 100 or 200 mg (1:1 ratio)
Continuous improvements in the PPPASI and PPSI total scores through week 60 and sustained in the observational phase across all treatment groups, including the placebo-crossover groups
(recombinant IL-1 receptor antagonist)
[140] Phase IV
DB, RPC (1:1)
EudraCT 2015-003600-23 64 PPP patients 100 mg/0.67 mL s.c. daily for 8 weeks At week 8, mean difference in PPPASI -1.65 (95% CI −4.77 to 1.47) in favour of AT (but N.S.)
308-nm Excimer laser [141] Randomized, comparative - 77 Chinese PPP patients Three times weekly for 8 weeks, with different doses: low, medium or high (2-fold, 4-fold, or 6-fold of MED as initial dose, respectively) Significant reduction of PPPASI score compared with the baseline in all groups, with a greater reduction in the high dose group
UVA1 [142] Assessor-blinded, SA - 62 Chinese PPP patients Three times weekly for up to 30 sessions At 30 sessions, PPPASI50 and PPPASI75 responses in 90.3% and 72.6% of patients, respectively
UVA1 or NB-UVB [143] Assessor-blinded, RC
(random assignment according to a left-right randomization table)
- 66 Chinese PPP patients Three times weekly for up to 30 sessions At the end of the treatment period, significant improvement of the PPPASI score compared with baseline in both groups (p < 0.05), and mean PPPASI reduction of 6.0 (SD 2.4) in the UVA1-treated group vs. 4.4 (SD 1.4) for NB-UVB (p < 0.05)
FAE-PUVA or Re-PUVA [144] Assessor-blinded, RC (1:1) NCT00811005 21 PPP patients Dimethylfumarate up to a 720 mg/day or acitretin 50 mg/day for 2 weeks, then addition of PUVA thrice weekly for 12 weeks or after achievement of the PPPASI90.
In the maintenance 24-week phase, use of half of the last drug dose or until significant relapse, followed by another 24 weeks without any treatment
At the end of clearing phase, PPPASI90 response rates of 81.8% in the FAE-PUVA group and 90% in the Re-PUVA group (N.S.). After the maintenance phase, PPPASI90 rates of 90.9% in the FAE-PUVA arm and 70% in the Re-PUVA group (N.S.). During the follow-up period, PPPASI90 rates of 90.9% in the FAE-PUVA group and 50% in the Re-PUVA group (p = 0.038)
Alitretinoin [145] Phase 2, DB, RPC (2:1) NCT01245140 33 patients with PPP refractory to topical therapy and standard skin care 30 mg once daily for up to 24 weeks Mean percentage change from baseline in PPPASI at week 24 (or last visit): −45.2 (SD 32.8) in the AT group vs. −44.6 (SD 45.9) in the placebo group (N.S.)
Apremilast [146] Phase 2, OL, SA
APLANTUS study NCT04572997 21 subjects with moderate-to-severe PPP Treatment for 20 weeks (final dose of 30 mg twice daily, gradually increased from 10 mg/day) Median PPPASI improvement at week 20 compared to baseline of 57.1% (p < 0.001)
Tofacitinib [147] OL, SA, pilot study (primary endpoint: response of nail lesions) ChiCTR1900025941 13 Asian patients with SAPHO syndrome accompanied by nail lesions and active PPP 5 mg, twice daily, for 12 weeks At week 12, median improvement in PPPASI score of 71% (p < 0 .001)
Pamidronate disodium [148] OL, SA
Assessment of PPP in a cohort of 30 patients with SAPHO syndrome NCT02544659 (original study in SAPHO syndrome) 25 Chinese PPP patients with SAPHO syndrome 1 mg/kg/day intravenously for 3 days at baseline and again 3 months later PPPASI reduction > 50% in a total of 13 and 11 patients after the first and second treatment, respectively
Maxacalcitol ointment [149] Phase 3, DB, RPC (1:1) - 188 Japanese patients with moderate-to-severe PPP 2 applications per day for 8 weeks Significant decrease in the total score of skin findings in the AT group vs. placebo at week 8 or at the last visit (p < 0.0001)
Betamethasone butyrate propionate ointment alone or combined with maxacalcitol ointment [150] RC
(left-right comparison)
- 29 patients with PPP (27 evaluable) Betamethasone ointment applied once daily or betamethasone ointment + maxalcitol ointment (both applied once daily) for 8 weeks Improvement rates in skin symptoms at week 8 significantly higher with the combination therapy than with the monotherapy

Full-text articles in English published from 1 January 2016 until 1 October 2021 were selected in the PubMed database. * For studies that recruited patients with different forms of psoriasis, only details of PP patients are reported. AT: active treatment; CGI: clinical global impression of improvement; CI: confidence interval; DB: double blind; GIS: Global Improvement Score; FAE-PUVA: fumaric acid ester + PUVA; GPP: generalized pustular psoriasis; GPPGA: Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Physician Global Assessment; GPPASI: Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; IL: interleukin; LS: least squares; mAb: monoclonal antibody; MED: minimal erythema dose; NB-UVB: narrowband ultraviolet B; N.S.: no statistically significant difference; OL: open label; PPP: palmoplantar pustulosis; PPPASI: Palmoplantar Pustulosis/Pustular Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; PPPASI50: at least 50% decrease from baseline of the PPPASI; PPPASI75: at least 75% improvement from baseline in PPPASI; PPPASI90: at least 90% reduction of the baseline PPPASI; PPSI: Palmoplantar Pustulosis Severity Index; PPPP: palmoplantar pustular psoriasis; PUVA: psoralen + ultraviolet A; RC: randomized controlled; Re-PUVA: retinoid + PUVA; RPC: randomized placebo-controlled; SA: single arm; s.c.: subcutaneously; SAPHO: synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis; SD: standard deviation; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; TSS: total skin score; UVA: ultraviolet A.