Figure 6.
Effect of diet, quercetin and A. muciniphila supplementation on plasma BA levels in a juvenile rat NAFLD model. (A) Concentrations (nM) of total, primary, secondary, conjugated and unconjugated BAs. (B) Specific primary (CA, CDCA and muricholic acids αMCA and βMCA) and secondary (DCA, HDCA, ωMCA and UDCA) BA concentrations. (C, left) Relative plasma concentration of hydrophobic and hydrophilic Bas in HFD group and in HFD group after control diet supplemented with quercetin and A. muciniphila. (C, right) BA concentration ratios of primary CA+TCA+GCA vs. secondary derivatives DCA+TDCA+GDCA, and CA vs. conjugated CA species (GCA+TCA), in HFD group and in HFD group after control diet supplemented with quercetin and A. muciniphila. Data represent mean of absolute values ± SEM (A,B), or mean of normalized to HFD values ± SEM (C). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, vs. C[HFD] (A,B) or vs. HFD group (C). Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test.