WRNexoΔ display age-dependent differences in total sleep and composition. (A) Young w1118 and WRNexoΔ flies exhibit similar levels of sleep throughout the day, while aged WRNexoΔ flies exhibit greater sleep during the light phase compared to aged w1118 controls. (B) Both aged w1118 and WRNexoΔ flies exhibit decreased sleep during the day compared to young flies and aged WRNexoΔ flies display greater sleep than age-matched w1118. (C) Aged WRNexoΔ show greater sleep fragmentation compared to w1118 flies. While WRNexoΔ and w1118 exhibit similar average bout length in both young and aged flies, aged WRNexoΔ exhibit significantly greater bouts per day compared to age matched w1118 controls. (2-way ANOVA, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001, ±SD).