Fig 8. CD40L deficiency exacerbates chronic phase inflammation, demyelination, axon degeneration, and grey matter inflammation in the RSA59 infected spinal cord.
(A) On day 30 p.i., cross-sections of RSA59 infected (10000 PFUs) WT and CD40L-/- mouse spinal cords were analyzed for the presence of inflammatory lesions by H&E, microglia/macrophages by Iba1, demyelination by LFB, and myelin protein marker PLP by immunohistochemistry. Black boxed areas represent higher magnification of white matter area, and brown boxed areas represent higher magnification of grey matter below the corresponding spinal cord cross-sections. Blue arrows mark demyelinating plaques on the LFB-stained sections. The blue lined box in the LFB stained sections corresponds to immunohistochemical staining for PLP protein below. Scale bar 100μm, 50μm, 10μm. Quantification of (B) Iba1 staining intensity in the grey and white matter and (C) percent area of demyelination. The relative transcript abundance of (D) CD206, (E) P2Y6, and (F) TREM-2 was analyzed in the infected spinal cords using qRT-PCR and compared between WT and CD40L-/- on day 30 p.i. Results were expressed as mean ± SEM from 3 independent biological experiments (N = 5 for WT and N = 8 for CD40L-/-). *Asterisk represents statistical significance calculated using unpaired Student’s t-test and Welch correction, p<0.05 was considered significant. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.