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. 2021 Dec 7;9(12):1695. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9121695

Table 2.

The influence of gender and differences in individual parameters before vs after the AI update and their statistical significance (evaluated by Wilcoxon signed-rank test).

Parameter Statistics Females Males All
Before After Difference
Before After Difference (After-Before) Before After Difference (After-Before)
Interaction n 54 54 54 32 32 32 86 86 86
Mean 166.7 204.8 38.07 99.71 151.5 51.78 141.8 185 43.17
Std. Deviation 190.3 153.3 110 99.85 128.1 44.46 165.2 146 91.18
Minimum 18 13.25 −359.3 15 35.75 8.25 15 13.3 −359.3
25% Percentile 50 83.19 15 50 65 15 50 65 15
Median 78.7 149.3 40.06 50 97.25 37.17 64.63 141 40.06
75% Percentile 223.5 293.8 93.85 101.6 164.8 75.9 197.2 275 82
Maximum 802.4 544.4 290.2 432.6 562.3 160.2 802.4 562 290.2
p-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Discipline Mean 34.7 47.44 12.74 35.22 47.59 12.38 34.9 47.5 12.6
Std. Deviation 19.44 16.57 19.7 18.46 17.83 15.07 18.97 17 18.02
Minimum 0 2 −28 1 0 −16 0 0 −28
25% Percentile 17.5 45.75 −2 19.25 42 3.5 18.75 45.8 0
Median 34.5 55 11 37.5 56 9 36 55 10
75% Percentile 55 59 25.5 51.75 59 18.75 53.25 59 24
Maximum 60 60 55 60 60 50 60 60 55
p-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
NO-GO scans Mean 11.43 6.167 −5.259 11.44 6.813 −4.625 11.43 6.41 −5.023
Std. Deviation 10.82 6.911 11.24 11.53 6.64 11.6 11.02 6.78 11.31
Minimum 1 0 −35 1 0 −35 1 0 −35
25% Percentile 3 1 −8.25 3.5 1.25 −10 3 1 −9.25
Median 7 4 −3 6 5 −3 7 4 −3
75% Percentile 19.75 11 1 15 12 2.75 15.25 12 1
Maximum 45 30 26 50 25 14 50 30 26
p-value 0.0002 0.0525 <0.0001
GO scans Mean 10.87 11.15 0.2778 11.44 11.41 −0.03125 11.08 11.2 0.1628
Std. Deviation 4.112 3.779 5.738 3.975 3.301 4.092 4.047 3.59 5.163
Minimum 0 5 −14 2 5 −7 0 5 −14
25% Percentile 7.75 8 −3 10.25 10 −2 9 9 −3
Median 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 0
75% Percentile 13 14 3.25 13 13 3 13 14 3
Maximum 20 18 14 20 18 9 20 18 14
p-value 0.7029 0.9207 0.7692