Distribution of the changes (days/week during distance education–before distance education) in the level of aerobic exercise (A) and muscle strengthening (B), and time spent in front of the screen in the evenings (C). Notes. AE: aerobic exercise, MS: muscle strengthening, ST: screen time; AE days/week = AE days/week during distance education–AE days/week before distance education, MS days/week = MS days/week during distance education–MS days/week before distance education, ST days/week = ST days/week during distance education–ST days/week before distance education, white bars: no changes, i.e., the number of the days/week before and during distance education is equal, light grey bars: increase, i.e., days/week during distance education > days/week before distance education, dark grey bars: decrease, i.e., days/week during distance education < days/week before distance education.