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. 2021 Dec 16;18(24):13256. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182413256

Table 5.

Correlations between measures.

Measure Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) PTSD PHQ-9 GAD-7 SIPS PDSS AUDIT DASS Depression DASS Anxiety
PTSD 0.52 ** 1
PHQ-9 0.64 ** 0.74 ** 1
GAD-7 0.53 ** 0.74 ** 0.80 ** 1
SIPS 0.39 ** 0.44 ** 0.51 ** 0.54 ** 1
PDSS 0.35 ** 0.62 ** 0.59 ** 0.66 ** 0.47 ** 1
AUDIT 0.22 ** 0.20 ** 0.29 ** 0.21 ** 0.11 ** 0.18 ** 1
DASS Depression 0.52 ** 0.77 ** 0.85 ** 0.81 ** 0.50 ** 0.63 ** 0.26 ** 1
DASS Anxiety 0.48 ** 0.76 ** 0.78 ** 0.80 ** 0.54 ** 0.65 ** 0.22 ** 0.88 ** 1
DASS Stress 0.53 ** 0.76 ** 0.82 ** 0.80 ** 0.50 ** 0.65 ** 0.25 ** 0.90 ** 0.87 **

PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; DASS = depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms (DASS-21); GAD-7 = generalized anxiety disorder scale; PHQ-9 = patient health questionnaire; PDSS = panic disorder symptoms severity Scale; SIPS = social interaction phobia scale; AUDIT = alcohol use disorders identification test; ** p ≤ 0.01.