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. 2021 Dec 8;18(24):12946. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182412946

Table 5.

Increased online gambling during lockdown—logistic regression results.

Covariate Year Category n Increased Online Gambling Unadjusted (Bivariate) Adjusted (Multi-Variate)
Odds Ratio 95% CI p-Value Odds
95% CI p-Value
Gender 2012 Male 131 10.7% 0.77 (0.38, 1.55)
Female 170 13.5% 1.00 - 0.46
Age (years) 1 2012 18–24 21 23.8% 1.00 -
25–34 61 21.3% 0.87 (0.27, 2.81)
35–44 63 14.3% 0.53 (0.16, 1.82)
45–54 69 11.6% 0.42 (0.12, 1.46)
55–64 87 2.3% 0.08 (0.01, 0.42) 0.02
Ethnicity 2012 Māori 74 12.2% 0.91 (0.39, 2.1)
Pacific 43 4.7% 0.32 (0.07, 1.43)
Asian 33 18.2% 1.46 (0.53, 3.96)
NZ European/Other 2 151 13.2% 1.00 - 0.36
Employment status 2015 Employed 208 13.9% 1.00 -
Unemployed 34 17.6% 1.32 (0.5, 3.47)
Other 3 59 3.4% 0.22 (0.05, 0.94) 0.09
2020/21 Employed 180 15.6% 1.00 -
Unemployed 38 15.8% 1.02 (0.39, 2.66)
Other 83 3.6% 0.20 (0.06, 0.69) 0.04
educational level
2015 No formal qualification 118 5.1% 1.00 -
Vocational or trade 115 12.2% 2.59 (0.96, 6.99)
68 25.0% 6.22 (2.32, 16.71) 0.001
2020/21 No formal qualification 121 5.8% 1.00 -
Vocational or trade 101 11.9% 2.20 (0.83, 5.81) 1.00 -
79 22.8% 4.81 (1.9, 12.14) 0.003 2.49 (0.87, 7.09) 0.003
Gambling risk level
2015 No risk 4 170 11.8% 1.00 -
At risk 5 131 13.0% 1.12 (0.56, 2.23) 0.75
2020/21 No risk 4 224 8.0% 1.00 - 1.00 -
At risk 5 77 24.7% 3.75 (1.85, 7.61) 0.0003 4.09 (1.90, 8.82) 0.0003
Gambling harm
2020/21 0 247 9.7% 1.00 -
1 28 17.9% 2.02 (0.70, 5.80)
2+ 26 30.8% 4.13 (1.62, 10.50) 0.009
Free-to-play gambling-type
2015 No 242 9.5% 1.00 - 1.00 -
Yes 59 23.7% 2.96 (1.42, 6.20) 0.004 3.38 (1.47, 7.76) 0.004
2020/21 No 203 8.9% 1.00 -
Yes 98 19.4% 2.47 (1.23, 4.96) 0.01
Gambled from FTP 6 2020/21 No 288 10.8% 1.00 -
Yes 12 50.0% 8.29 (2.52, 27.29) 0.0005
Sought help for gambling 2015 No 295 12.5% - -
Yes 6 0.0% - -
2020/21 No 294 11.9% 1.00 -
Yes 7 28.6% 2.96 (0.55, 15.84) 0.20
Hazardous alcohol use 2015 No 205 9.3% 1.00 - 1.00 -
Yes 96 18.8% 2.26 (1.13, 4.54) 0.02 2.80 (1.25, 6.24) 0.01
2020/21 No 177 9.6% 1.00 -
Yes 124 16.1% 1.81 (0.91, 3.62) 0.09
Cannabis use 2015 No 260 10.8% 1.00 -
Yes 41 22.0% 2.33 (1.01, 5.38) 0.05
2020/21 No 273 12.5% 1.00 -
Yes 28 10.7% 0.84 (0.24, 2.95) 0.79

1 At the time of the 2020/21 interview these participants would have aged by eight years; 2 Other ethnicity relates to any ethnicity that is not Māori, Pacific, Asian or NZ European; 3 Other employment status refers to student/homemaker/retired/other; 4 No risk includes the PGSI categorizations of non-gambler and non-problem gambler; 5 At risk includes the PGSI categorizations of low risk, moderate risk and problem gambler; 6 FTP = Free-to-play.