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. 2021 Dec 14;10(12):3095. doi: 10.3390/foods10123095

Table 3.

Mean values (±standard deviations) for colour parameters for flatbreads made from composite flours and control.

Colour Parameters
Flatbread L* a* b* C* H*
Control wheat 58.8 (0.4) ef 0.4(0.1) a 15.3(0.0) f 15.3 (0.0) ef 88.5 (0.2) g
XFSorg-WRC 51.3 (3.5) bc 8.1 (0.7) i 18.2 (0.9) g 19.9 (1.0) g 66.0 (2.0) d
XFSorg-WWC 56.7 (0.5) e 5.0 (0.1) f 11.2 (0.4) ab 12.3 (0.4) abc 65.8 (0.6) d
XFSorg-DRC 52.5 (0.4) c 7.0 (0.4) h 13.1 (0.4) de 14.8 (0.5) def 61.9 (0.7) c
XFSorg-DWC 62.2 (0.6) fg 4.8 (0.1) e 12.9 (0.8) cde 13.7 (0.8) cde 69.6 (0.8) e
XFSorg-CS-WRC 47.1 (0.3) a 8.0 (0.1) i 10.8 (0.5) a 13.4 (0.4) bcd 53.4 (1.5) a
XFSorg-CS-WWC 52.9 (0.3) c 5.4 (0.1) g 10.5 (0.4) a 11.8 (0.4) ab 62.8 (1.4) cd
XFSorg-CS-DRC 53.3 (0.5) cd 6.5 (0.2) h 14.2 (0.3) ef 15.8 (0.2) f 65.5 (1.0) d
XFSorg-CS-DWC 56.3 (1.6) de 4.4 (0.2) d 11.7 (0.2) abcd 12.5 (0.2) abc 69.6 (0.6) e
CS-WRC 47.9 (0.1) ab 7.6 (1.0) hi 11.5 (0.8) abc 13.7 (1.2) cde 57.0 (1.9) b
CS-WWC 57.0 (0.4) e 2.8 (0.2) c 11.1 (0.3) a 11.6 (0.3) a 75.73 (0.8) f
CS-DRC 62.4 (0.7) g 1.0 (0.1) b 12.7 (0.2) bcd 12.7 (0.2) abc 85.5 (0.3) g
CS-DWC 62.7 (0.3) g 0.6 (0.1) a 12.9 (0.5) cde 12.9 (0.5) abc 87.3 (0.6) g

Values are the means of three replicates. Means compared with Tukey’s (HSD) test. Means within a column denoted by different superscripts differ significantly (p < 0.05). XFSorg = extra fine sorghum flour, WWC = whole white cowpea, WRC = whole red cowpea, DWC = dehulled white cowpea, DRC = dehulled red cowpea, CS = cassava starch. L* = 100 for lightness, and 0 for darkness; a* = chromaticity from green (−) to red (+); b* = chromaticity from blue (−) to yellow (+); H* = hue angle; C* = Chroma.