Table A1.
Search Terms | Hits | |
#1 | TI=( “vaccin* hesitan*” OR “hesitan* to vaccine*” OR “vaccin* refusal” OR “refusal to vaccine*” OR “vaccin* opposition” OR “opposit* to vaccin*” OR “antivacc* group*” OR “antivax” OR autovaccination OR “object* to vaccin*” OR “resilience to vaccin*” OR “debate against vaccin*” OR “vaccin** compliance” OR “vaccin** adherence” OR “resist* to vaccin*” OR “incomplete vaccin*” OR “misinformation about vaccine*” OR “vaccin* criticism*” OR “delaying vaccin*” OR “anxiety from vaccin*” OR “criticism to vaccin*” OR “barrier* to vaccin*” OR “lack of intent to vaccin*” OR “poor completion of vaccin*” OR “compulsory vaccin*” OR “negative perception about vaccin*” OR “ negative attitudes vaccin*” OR “engagement in vaccin*” OR “choice to vaccin*” OR “awareness about vaccin*” OR “knowledge about vaccin*” OR “behavi* toward vaccin*” OR “poor vaccin* uptake” OR “vaccin* uptake rate” OR “doubts about vaccin*” OR “acceptance of vaccin*” OR “acceptability of vaccin*” OR “contravers* about vaccin*” OR “religious exemption vaccine*” OR “fear from vaccin*” OR “belief in vaccin*” OR “mandatory vaccin*” OR “compulsory vaccin*” OR “willingness to accept vaccin*” OR “parental control of child* vaccin*” OR “willingness to vaccine*” OR “willingness to accept vaccin*”) | 1663 |
#2 | AB=(“vaccin* hesitan*” OR “hesitan* to vaccine*” OR “vaccin* refusal” OR “refusal to vaccine*” OR “vaccin* opposition” OR “opposit* to vaccin*” OR “antivacc* group*” OR “antivax” OR autovaccination OR “object* to vaccin*” OR “resilience to vaccin*” OR “debate against vaccin*” OR “vaccin** compliance” OR “vaccin** adherence” OR “resist* to vaccin*” OR “incomplete vaccin*” OR “misinformation about vaccine*” OR “vaccin* criticism*” OR “delaying vaccin*” OR “anxiety from vaccin*” OR “criticism to vaccin*” OR “barrier* to vaccin*” OR “lack of intent to vaccin*” OR “poor completion of vaccin*” OR “compulsory vaccin*” OR “negative perception about vaccin*” OR “ negative attitudes vaccin*” OR “engagement in vaccin*” OR “choice to vaccin*” OR “awareness about vaccin*” OR “knowledge about vaccin*” OR “behavi* toward vaccin*” OR “poor vaccin* uptake” OR “vaccin* uptake rate” OR “doubts about vaccin*” OR “acceptance of vaccin*” OR “acceptability of vaccin*” OR “contravers* about vaccin*” OR “religious exemption vaccine*” OR “fear from vaccin*” OR “belief in vaccin*” OR “mandatory vaccin*” OR “compulsory vaccin*” OR “willingness to accept vaccin*” OR “parental control of child* vaccin*” OR “willingness to vaccine*” OR “willingness to accept vaccin*”) | 4333 |
#3 | (#1) OR #2 | 5225 |
#4 | TI = (“measurement invariance” OR “multigroup invariance” OR “Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis” OR “factorial invariance” OR “measurement equivalence” OR MGCFA ) | 2267 |
#5 | AB = (“measurement invariance” OR “multigroup invariance” OR “Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis” OR “factorial invariance” OR “measurement equivalence” OR MGCFA) | 5614 |
#6 | (#4) OR #5 | 6174 |
#7 | TI = (“configural” AND “metric” AND “scalar”) | 4 |
#8 | AB = (“configural” AND “metric” AND “scalar”) | 616 |
#9 | (#7) OR #8 | 618 |
#10 | (#6) OR #9 | 6337 |
#11 | (#3) AND #10 | 2 |
Source: Adapted from Sweileh [70].