Change in the prevalence of alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEPs) and
unaware AEPs under strategies defined in Table
1. The x-axis represents the number of non-sterile, women of
reproductive age who: under strategy A, switch to effective contraceptives (with
less than 10% probability of failure in one year of use) from not using
contraceptives at all or using ineffective methods; under strategy B detect
their pregnancies within a week of a missed period; under strategy C, abstain
from drinking if seeking pregnancy or pregnant; under strategy D, abstain from
drinking if pregnant, seeking pregnancy or not using contraceptives with sex;
under strategy E, comply with strategies A and C; and under strategy F comply
with strategies A-C. Solid lines and dotted lines assume up to 0–50% and
>50–100% adherence, respectively. Vertical dotted lines represent
the maximum number of women that could be reached through each strategy in the
U.S. The numbers next to each line represent the maximum percentage reduction in
the prevalence of AEP or unaware AEP under each strategy. The slopes of these
lines are provided in Table
S8. See Fig.
S8 for the prevalence of pregnancies that are exposed to ≥5 or
≥9 alcoholic drinks in a week during the pregnancy under strategies
defined in Table 1.