Figure 1.
Analysis of humoral immune response to OvMANE1 and Ov-16 antigens using sera from O. volvulus infected and non-infected individuals. In separate reactions, OvMANE1_MBP and Ov-16 antigens were used to coat microtiter plates. The plates were blocked and incubated with different serum samples followed by incubation with secondary antibodies, namely goat anti-human IgG (for plates coated with OvMANE1_MBP chimeric antigen) or mouse monoclonal anti-Human IgG4 (for plates coated with Ov-16 antigen), all peroxidase conjugated. The plates were revealed using TMB, the optical density (OD) was read at 450 nm and OD values were plotted against the different serum types. OVS = O. volvulus serum (n = 59), HES = Hypo-endemic serum (n = 15), ECS = European control serum (n = 09). The groups were compared using Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons. **** indicates a significant difference with p < 0.0001.