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. 2021 Dec 14;26(24):7571. doi: 10.3390/molecules26247571

Table 1.

Concentration of 31P MR phantoms, their chemical shifts (ppm) and coupling constants.

Metabolite Product Number Concentration in Phantoms (mM) Multiplicity Chemical Shift at pH = 7.0 Chemical Shift at pH = 7.5 Chemical Shift
In Vivo
Basis Set Deelchand BASISp Set Present Study
Phosphocreatine P7936-5G 1 PCr 5 s 0 0 0 - 0 0
Inorganic phosphate Pi 40 s 4.78 5.27 ~5 - 4.84 4.78
Adenosine triphosphate A2383-1G αATP 10 d −7.98 −7.94 ~7–8 19.5 −7.56 −7.53
βATP 10 t −18.80 −18.58 ~16 20.0 −16.18 −16.18
γATP 10 d −4.18 −3.37 ~3–4 19.0 −2.53 −2.7
Adenosine diphosphate 29349990900 αADP 10 d −7.28 −7.32 - 19.0 - -
βADP 10 d −3.50 −3.20 - 19.5 - -
Phosphoethanolamine P0503-1G PE (PME) 10 t 6.74 6.85 6.78 7.0 6.77 6.77
Phospholcholine P0378G PC (PME) 10 t 6.19 6.35 5.9 6.0 6.23 6.23
Glucose 1-phosphate G1259-1G G1P 10 d 4.99 overlay with Pi (5.20) overlay with PME 7.5 - 4.99
Glucose 6-phosphate G7879-1G G6P 10 t 7.03 7.30 7.1–7.2 6.1 - 7.03
Phosphoenolpyruvate P7127-500MG PEP (PME) 10 s 2.00 2.27 2.06 - 2
Phosphatidylcholine PtdC 3 10 t 2.14 2.13 2.06 - 2.14
Glycerol-3-phosphoryl choline G5291-100MG GPC (PDE) 10 t 2.97 2.96 2.76 5.5 2.94 2.97
2.3-diphosphoglycerate D9134-100MG 2,3-DPG(PDE) 2 2 2- d 4.09 4.6 5.5 6.0 5.23 4.05
3- t 5.338 5.84 6.3 9.5 5.71 5.32
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) N8129-1G NADH 10 s −8.16 −8.16 ~8.1 −8.13 −8.13
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (oxygenated form) 10127981001 NAD+ 10 s −8.32 −8.32 ~8.3 6.0 −8.31 −8.31
Uridine diphosphoglucose U4625-500MG UDPG 2 2 d −8.11 −8.11 −8.1 10.0 - −7.98
UDPG 2 2 d −9.78 −9.78 −9.8 10.0 - −9.78
4 Membrane phospholipids MP 2.3 2.3
4 Glycerophosphoethanolamine GPE 3.49 3.49

1 PCr was used as an internal standard; 2 K2HPO4/NaH2PO4 to c = 10 mM; 3 40% ethanol with the addition of Triton 100 as a surfactant; 4 taken from [15]. s—singlet; d—doublet; t—triplet.