Figure S1.
Hierarchical clustering analysis comparing 10% low and 10% high populations. (A and B) Two main categories of genes; those increasing (A) or decreasing (B) cholesterol (Chol) and/or BMP are shown. For each category, the enrichment for cholesterol or BMP is shown as a heat map value. Responses under control (Ctrl) and U18666A (U18) conditions are also shown. The three types of screen data analysis performed (10% high versus unsorted [Uns], 10% low versus Uns, and 10% high versus 10% low) are indicated at the top. Only genes that were detected in both cholesterol and BMP screens are shown. Color intensity is presented using a logarithmic scale heat map proportional to the signed P value, as indicated. Individual hits in the 10% high pool are generally enriched in that population but may also be detected in the 10% low pool, explaining why red hits appear more populated on the 10% high versus Uns columns in A and blue hits on the 10% low versus Uns columns in B. In general, the behavior is consistent. Black arrows indicate hits that, upon deletion, yielded opposite phenotypes in control versus with U18666A conditions. Individual gene functions are shown using colored circles as indicated. EE, early endosome; KO, knockout.