Figure 8.
Diatom-free MAG growth. (a) qPCR amplification of Cl-1, Cl-2 and Cl-8 specific sequences from gDNA extracted from FL bacteria separated from S. marinoi FE7 cultures grown in marine broth supplemented with spent medium (MB), or in F/2 medium supplemented with different concentrations of sonicated S. marinoi-FE7 cells (F/2¼ and F/2¾) (see M&M for details). Sampling time points: 3rd (Day3), 6th (Day6) and 10th (Day10). (b) qPCR amplification of Cl-1, Cl-2 and Cl-8 on gDNA extracted from FL bacteria grown in F/2¼ media previously treated with DNase. Sampling time points: 2nd (Day2), 4th (Day4), 7th (Day7) and 9th (Day9).