Representation of SD and EID groups in some CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes subpopulations in RRMS patients under Natalizumab treatment in both first (V1) and second (V2) extractions. Percentage of expression of CD49d in (a) CD4+CD27+, (b) CD4+ Effector Memory (EM), (c) CD8+ Effector and (d) CD8+ Effector Memory (EM) T lymphocytes Each dot represents the percentage of expression for each marker regarding their parent population (CD4+ or CD8+ T lymphocytes populations) in the SD (n = 8) or EID (n = 21) groups. EID, extended interval dosing; EM, effector memory; SD, standard dosing. ns: p > 0.05, * p < 0.05.