APHL Training of RDN
Practitioner (train-the-trainer) training (culinary skills, nutrition knowledge, program delivery)
Planning and implementation support
Time for RDN training
APHL Materials
Facilities including kitchen equipment and cooking materials
Food provisions
Patient curriculum
Implementation manual
Recipe and culinary skills toolbox
APHL resources for print materials and handouts
Online resources available virtually (recipe videos etc.)
Implementation Team
(APHL staff, clinic dietitians, and misc. staff)
Coordinates patient enrollment with EHR
Plans patient curriculum implementation
Provide pre and post intervention survey
Patient Classes
Aligns with food received from the food pantry
Provide tasting of recipes prepared in class
Conduct demonstration of cooking techniques
Provide instruction in hands-on preparation of recipes
Conduct class discussions of nutrition topics and recipe preparation
Provide post-session handouts covering nutrition and cooking topics
Patients will demonstrate increase:
Outcome expectations of the taste of healthy foods *
Knowledge of healthy eating (appropriate type, portion size, and to manage disease condition)
Self-efficacy of preparing healthy foods *
Culinary skills for preparing healthy foods *
Perceived social support for healthy foods *
Normative beliefs of healthy foods *
Healthcare Staff will demonstrate increased:
Knowledge of culinary techniques
Skills for the preparation of healthy foods
Social support for culturally relevant foods and flavor profiles
Communication with patients about preparation of healthy foods *
Consistent dietary messages
Patients will increase:
Healthy eating behaviors:
Preparation of healthy foods at home
Dietary Intake of:
Whole grains
Patients will demonstrate decreased consumption of
Caloric dense and nutrient deficient foods
Sugar sweetened beverages
Processed grains
Overall caloric intake
Patients will increase: Patients will decrease: