Microbiome Transfer |
The human microbiome can be transferred between cohabitants, pets or unknown people by physical interaction between them.
The human microbiome can be deposited into built environments.
The persistence of the microbiome on various surfaces is not well studied.
Sample collection |
Forensic examiners, protective clothing or tools can introduce a foreign microbiome.
Evidentiary items have the potential to transfer the microbiome to forensic examiners or the laboratory.
Environmental changes affect the evidence microbiome, which complicates sample storage.
Laboratory background microbial DNA needs to be continuously monitored.
DNA extraction |
Difficulties in reproducing a sample profile.
Extraction kits contain a background microbiome (kitome).
Samples can be outcompeted by contaminating microbial DNA.
Sequencing and analysis |
Microbial contamination can take place during sequencing.
Lowtemplate microbial DNA samples.
Indexhopping (reads assign to the wrong sample) and batch effects (unwanted variations introduced by confounding unrelated factors).
Bioinformatics are constantly evolving and cases must be revised with the new information.
Training and interpretation |
Methods and protocols are not validated.
Proficiency tests need to be developed.
There are no established forensic databases.
Likelihood ratio (LR) calculation needs development.
Mixture of microbiome profiles.
Bioinformatics tools’ complexity.