Figure 3.
Relative gene expression of (a,b) key genes of the Hippo-YAP/TAZ pathway, including YAP, TAZ, LATS1, and MST1; (c,d) anabolic IVD-related extracellular matrix (ECM) genes, including ACAN, COL2, and COL1; (e,f) catabolic genes, including ADAMTS4, MMP13, and MMP3; (g,h) inflammatory genes, including COX2, MCP1, and RANTES; and (i,j) genes sensitive to mechanic stimuli, including COMP and CILP, in the nucleus pulposus (NP) and in the annulus fibrosus (AF). Mean ± SD, N = 3–6, p-value: * <0.05, ** <0.01.