Table 3.
Studies with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA): fish, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA, DHA).
First Author, Location (Year) |
Study Participants | Intervention | HDL Function Analyzed | Results |
Abbey M, Australia (1990) [53] |
33 hypercholesterolemic men Mean age (SD): 47.4 ± 2.5 years |
6-week supplement with: (1) 14 g/day linoleic acid (safflower oil). (2) 9 g α-linolenic acid (linseed oil). (3) 3.8 g fish oil (EPA + DHA). |
Plasma LCAT activity | Decrease of 21% in fish oil relative to baseline. |
Calabresi, Italy (2004) [54] |
14 participants with familial hypercholesterolemia | 4-week crossover design with capsules of: (1) 4 g (EPA + DHA) and 4 mg α-tocopherol. (2) Placebo. |
3H CEC in Fu5AH cells in plasma | No effect. |
Plasma CETP mass | No effect. | |||
Plasma paraoxonase-1 mass | Higher PON1 mass in omega 3 relative to placebo. | |||
Ghorbanihaghjo A, Iran (2012) [57] |
83 women with rheumatoid arthritis Mean age (SD): 50 (18–74) years |
12-week parallel intervention with capsules of: (1) Fish oil (1 g/day). (2) Placebo. |
Paraoxonase-1 mass in HDL | Higher PON1 content in omega 3 group compared to phytosterol-supplemented group. |
Golzari MH, Iran (2017) [63] |
36 patients with type 2 diabetes Age range: 35–50 years |
8-weeks parallel intervention with capsules of: (1) Fish oil (EPA 2 g/day). (2) Placebo. |
Serum paraoxonase-1 activity | Increase in EPA group compared to placebo. |
Lambert C, Spain (2017) [61] |
32 overweight or obese participants 13 men and 19 women Mean age (SD): 50.5 ± 1.6 years |
4-week crossover design with: (1) Omega 3-supplemented milk (131.25 mg EPA + 243.75 mg DHA/250 mL). (2) Phytosterol-supplemented milk (1.6 g of plant sterols/250 mL). |
Serum LCAT mass | No effect. |
Liu X, Canada/USA (2018) [29] |
101 metabolic syndrome participants 50 males and 51 females Mean age: 49.5 |
4-week crossover design with five isocaloric diets with 60 g of: (1) Canola oil. (2) Canola oil with high oleic-acid content. (3) Canola oil high in DHA and oleic acid. (4) Corn oil combined with safflower oil. (5) Safflower oil combined with flax oil. |
3-NBD CEC in THP-1 in serum samples | Increase of 55.3% in canola oil rich in DHA and oleic acid relative to baseline levels. |
Manninen, Finland (2019) [58] |
79 participants with impaired glucose metabolism Mean age (SD): 58.9 ± 6.5 years |
12-week intervention with four parallel isocaloric diets with: (1) 27 g/day camelina oil (10 g ALA). (2) Fatty fish (1 g/day DHA + EPA). (3) Lean fish. (4) Control-diet group. |
3H CEC in primary macrophage cells in isolated HDL | No effect. |
Pownall HJ, USA (1999) [60] |
56 participants (40 with hypertriglyceridemia and 16 healthy) 24 men and 17 women Mean age (SD): 51.4 ± 1.9 years |
Two 6-week parallel interventions with capsules of: (1) 4 g fish oil (EPA + DHA) with 4 mg α-tocopherol. (2) Placebo. |
Serum cholesteryl ester transfer activity (CETA) | Decrease of 20% in fish-oil group relative to baseline levels. |
Shidfar F, Iran (2016) [64] |
76 women with iron deficiency Mean age (SD): 33.03 ± 8.73 years |
12-week parallel intervention with capsules of: (1) 500 mg of DHA+ iron supplement (2) Placebo + iron supplement |
Serum paraoxonase-1 mass | No effects. |
Stirban A, Germany (2014) [40] |
34 patients with type 2 diabetes | 6-week parallel intervention with capsules of: (1) 2 g EPA + DHA supplement (2) Placebo supplement of olive oil. |
Serum paraoxonase-1 activity | No effects. |
Wurm R, Austria (2018) [65] |
40 advanced heart failure participants (34 men and 6 women) |
12-week parallel intervention with capsules of: (1) 1 g EPA + DHA. (2) 4 g EPA + DHA. (3) Placebo. |
HDL oxidative/inflammatory index (HOII) in ABDP | Increase in HOII after 4 g fish oil per day, relative to 1 g and placebo group. |
LTP: lipid transfer protein. ALA: alpha-linolenic acid. DHA: docosahexaenoic acid. EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid. CEC: cholesterol efflux capacity. CETP: cholesteryl ester transfer protein. CETA: cholesteryl ester transfer activity. LCAT: lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase. ABDP: apolipoprotein B-depleted plasma. ABDS: apolipoprotein B-depleted serum. PON1: paraoxonase-1. TBARS: thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substance. HOII: HDL oxidative/inflammatory index.