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. 2021 Dec 15;10(24):5897. doi: 10.3390/jcm10245897

Table 3.

Studies with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA): fish, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA, DHA).

First Author,
Study Participants Intervention HDL Function Analyzed Results
Abbey M,
33 hypercholesterolemic men
Mean age (SD): 47.4 ± 2.5 years
6-week supplement with:
(1) 14 g/day linoleic acid (safflower oil).
(2) 9 g α-linolenic acid (linseed oil).
(3) 3.8 g fish oil (EPA + DHA).
Plasma LCAT activity Decrease of 21% in fish oil relative to baseline.
14 participants with familial hypercholesterolemia 4-week crossover design with capsules of:
(1) 4 g (EPA + DHA) and 4 mg α-tocopherol.
(2) Placebo.
3H CEC in Fu5AH cells in plasma No effect.
Plasma CETP mass No effect.
Plasma paraoxonase-1 mass Higher PON1 mass in omega 3 relative to placebo.
Ghorbanihaghjo A, Iran
83 women with rheumatoid arthritis
Mean age (SD): 50 (18–74) years
12-week parallel intervention with capsules of:
(1) Fish oil (1 g/day).
(2) Placebo.
Paraoxonase-1 mass in HDL Higher PON1 content in omega 3 group compared to phytosterol-supplemented group.
Golzari MH,
36 patients with type 2 diabetes
Age range: 35–50 years
8-weeks parallel intervention with capsules of:
(1) Fish oil (EPA 2 g/day).
(2) Placebo.
Serum paraoxonase-1 activity Increase in EPA group compared to placebo.
Lambert C,
32 overweight or obese participants
13 men and 19 women
Mean age (SD): 50.5 ± 1.6 years
4-week crossover design with:
(1) Omega 3-supplemented milk (131.25 mg EPA + 243.75 mg DHA/250 mL).
(2) Phytosterol-supplemented milk (1.6 g of plant sterols/250 mL).
Serum LCAT mass No effect.
Liu X,
101 metabolic syndrome participants
50 males and 51 females
Mean age: 49.5
4-week crossover design with five isocaloric diets with 60 g of:
(1) Canola oil.
(2) Canola oil with high oleic-acid content.
(3) Canola oil high in DHA and oleic acid.
(4) Corn oil combined with safflower oil.
(5) Safflower oil combined with flax oil.
3-NBD CEC in THP-1 in serum samples Increase of 55.3% in canola oil rich in DHA and oleic acid relative to baseline levels.
79 participants with impaired glucose metabolism
Mean age (SD): 58.9 ± 6.5 years
12-week intervention with four parallel isocaloric diets with:
(1) 27 g/day camelina oil (10 g ALA).
(2) Fatty fish (1 g/day DHA + EPA).
(3) Lean fish.
(4) Control-diet group.
3H CEC in primary macrophage cells in isolated HDL No effect.
Pownall HJ,
56 participants (40 with hypertriglyceridemia and 16 healthy)
24 men and 17 women
Mean age (SD): 51.4 ± 1.9 years
Two 6-week parallel interventions with capsules of:
(1) 4 g fish oil (EPA + DHA) with 4 mg α-tocopherol.
(2) Placebo.
Serum cholesteryl ester transfer activity (CETA) Decrease of 20% in fish-oil group relative to baseline levels.
Shidfar F,
76 women with iron deficiency
Mean age (SD): 33.03 ± 8.73 years
12-week parallel intervention with capsules of:
(1) 500 mg of DHA+ iron supplement
(2) Placebo + iron supplement
Serum paraoxonase-1 mass No effects.
Stirban A,
34 patients with type 2 diabetes 6-week parallel intervention with capsules of:
(1) 2 g EPA + DHA supplement
(2) Placebo supplement of olive oil.
Serum paraoxonase-1 activity No effects.
Wurm R,
40 advanced heart failure participants
(34 men and 6 women)
12-week parallel intervention with capsules of:
(1) 1 g EPA + DHA.
(2) 4 g EPA + DHA.
(3) Placebo.
HDL oxidative/inflammatory index (HOII) in ABDP Increase in HOII after 4 g fish oil per day, relative to 1 g and placebo group.

LTP: lipid transfer protein. ALA: alpha-linolenic acid. DHA: docosahexaenoic acid. EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid. CEC: cholesterol efflux capacity. CETP: cholesteryl ester transfer protein. CETA: cholesteryl ester transfer activity. LCAT: lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase. ABDP: apolipoprotein B-depleted plasma. ABDS: apolipoprotein B-depleted serum. PON1: paraoxonase-1. TBARS: thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substance. HOII: HDL oxidative/inflammatory index.