Figure 4.
Performance of 5xFAD mice in behavioral tasks six weeks after FMT. (a) Latency to enter a brightly lit arena was measured as an anxiety-reporting parameter (n = 13 for wild type and 11 for transgenic mice treated with cecal material from young or old donors (designated “young” and “old”)). (b) Percentage of right choices during two different testing days in the T-maze were assessed. Dots represent values measured from the individual days. (c) The radial arm water maze was applied with alternating visible and hidden platform up to trial 5, the last two trials were performed with hidden platform only. To exclude visual deficits, errors made with visible platform were counted within three trials (t1, t3, and t5). (d) Learning and short-term memory were tested within the trials with a hidden platform (t2, t4, t6, and t7). (e) Difference of latency for finding the hidden platform between trial 7 and trial 2 was calculated. (b–e) n = 13 for wild type, n = 14 for transgenic mice treated with cecal material from young and 11 for mice treated with old donor material. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01).