Table 2.
A set of descriptors used for building both classification and regression models.
Num | Descriptor | Meaning |
1 | MolLogP | cLogP |
2 | TPSA | Topological polar surface area |
3 | NHOHCount | Number of N and O hydrogen donors |
4 | NOCount | Number of N and O hydrogen acceptors |
5 | NumHAcceptors | Number of hydrogen acceptors |
6 | NumHDonors | Number of hydrogen donors |
7 | NumRotatableBonds | Number of rotatable bonds |
8 | NumHeteroatoms | Number of heteroatoms |
9 | FractionCSP3 | Fraction of sp3 carbon atoms |
10 | BalabanJ | Topological connectivity index by Balaban |
11 | Chi0 | Topological connectivity index |
12 | Chi1 | Topological connectivity index |
13 | Chi3v | Topological connectivity index |
14 | Chi4v | Topological connectivity index |
15 | HallKierAlpha | Topological connectivity index by Kier-Hall |
16 | Kappa1 | Topological connectivity index |
17 | Kappa2 | Topological connectivity index |
18 | Kappa3 | Topological connectivity index |
19 | BertzCT | Topological connectivity index |
20 | NumAliphaticRings | Number of aliphatic rings |
21 | NumAromaticRings | Number of aromatic rings |
22 | NumAtoms | Number of atoms |
23 | MolWt | Molecular weight |
24 | MolMR | Calculated molecular refractivity |
25 | MaxPartialCharge | Maximum partial charge (Gasteiger) |
26 | MinPartialCharge | Minimum partial charge (Gasteiger) |
27 | MaxAbsPartialCharge | Maximum modulo partial charge (Gasteiger) |
28 | NumChiralCenters | Number of chiral atomic centers |