COVID-19 booster acceptance
If a COVID-19 booster is recommended as a supplement to the current vaccination schedule, would you accept it? |
Binary (“yes [1]” or “no [0]”). |
What are the reasons for accepting booster vaccination?
What is the primary reason for refusing booster vaccination?
Multiple choices for question 1, and single choice for question 2. |
Willingness to pay
What is the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for an annual COVID-19 booster vaccination? |
Open-ended question with values. |
History of COVID-19 vaccination
Have you received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine so far? |
Binary (“yes [1]” or “no [0]”). |
Perceptions of COVID-19 infection and booster vaccination
Self-reported HBM items assessed on a five-point Likert scale, please see Table A2 for detail. |
Five-point answers were converted to binary variables, e.g., agree [1] (i.e., “strongly agree” or “agree”) and neutral/disagree [0] (i.e., “neither agree nor disagree”, “disagree” or “strongly disagree”). |
Which age group are you currently in? |
Four age groups (18–30, 31–40, 41–50, and 51–59 years old). |
What is your gender? |
Binary (“female [1]” or “male [0]”). |
What is your maternal status? |
Three groups were converted to binary variables: married [1] (“married”) and never married/divorced/widowed [0] (“never married” or “divorced or widowed”). |
What is your education level? |
Four groups were converted to binary variables: senior high school/technical school or below [0] (“middle school or below” or “senior high school/technical school”) and college/associate/bachelor’s degree or above [1] (“college/associate/bachelor’s degree” or “master’s degree or above”). |
What is your employment status? |
Four groups were converted to binary variables: employed [1] and retired/out of work/still a student [0] (“retired”, “out of work”, or “still a student”). |
How much is your household annual income? |
Three income groups (≤100,000, 100,001–200,000, and >200,000 CNY). |
Which area do you reside in? |
Binary (“urban [1]” or “rural [0]”). |
Which province do you reside in? |
Respondents were further categorized into living in western, central, and eastern regions based on the province they reside in. |
Rate your own overall health status. |
Five-point Likert scale (“very good” to “very poor”). The answers were converted to binary variables: good [1] (“very good” or “good”) and fair/poor [0] (“fair”, “poor”, or “very poor”). |
Do you have any chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, etc.? |
Binary (“yes [1]” or “no [0]”). |
Do you belong to any of the following priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination? (Health professionals, community workers, workers in the cold-chain logistics sector, customs inspectors, etc.). |
Binary (“yes [1]” or “no [0]”). |