Table 1.
Overview of the hypotheses and outcomes.
Proposed path (H: hypothesis) | Online PRISMa | Online PRISM (group: healthy) | Online PRISM (group: ill) |
H1: Attitude toward seeking (online) will be positively related to online information–seeking intent. | Supported | Supported | Supported |
H2: Seeking-related subjective/injunctive and descriptive norms will relate positively to online information–seeking intent. | INb: Supported DNc: Not supported (not significant) |
IN: Supported DN: Not supported (not significant) |
IN: Not supported (not significant) DN: Supported |
H3: Perceived seeking control/self-efficacy to search for information (online) will be positively related to online information–seeking intent. | Supported | Not supported (not significant) |
Supported |
H4: Risk perceptions will be positively related to affective risk response. | Supported | Supported | Supported |
H5: Affective risk response will relate positively to perceived knowledge insufficiency. | Not supported (not significant) |
Not supported (not significant) |
Not supported (not significant) |
H6: Seeking related subjective/injunctive and descriptive norms will relate positively to perceived knowledge insufficiency. | IN: Not supported (negatively related) DN: Not supported (not significant) |
IN: Not supported (negatively related) DN: Not supported (not significant) |
IN: Not supported (negatively related) DN: Not supported (not significant) |
H7: Perceived knowledge insufficiency will relate positively to information seeking intent. | Supported | Not supported (not significant) | Supported |
H8: Affective risk response will be positively related to (online) information–seeking intent. | Supported | Supported | Supported |
H9: Attitude toward seeking (online) will relate positively to perceived knowledge insufficiency. | Supported | Not supported | Supported |
H10: Perceived seeking control/self-efficacy will be negatively related to perceived knowledge insufficiency. | Not supported (not significant) |
Not supported (not significant) |
Not supported (not significant) |
H11: Attitude toward seeking will be positively related to perceived knowledge. | Not supported (not significant) |
Not supported (not significant) |
Not supported (not significant) |
H12: Perceived seeking control/self-efficacy will be positively related to perceived knowledge. | Supported | Supported | Supported |
H13: Seeking-related subjective/injunctive and descriptive norms will be positively related to perceived knowledge. | IN: Supported DN: Not supported (not significant) |
IN: Supported DN: Not supported (not significant) |
IN: not supported (not significant) DN: Not supported (not significant) |
aPRISM: Planned Risk Information Seeking Model.
bIN: injunctive norm.
cDN: descriptive norm.