Table 1.
Breastmilk feeding intensity categories
Category | Definition | Inclusion criteria |
Exclusive | 100% milk feeds as breastmilk with no additional fluids or foods except vitamins/minerals, medicines and minimal water‐based liquids |
• 100% milk feeds as breastmilk AND • no formula top‐ups, juice or cow's milk AND • no regular water/herbal tea (< one time per day) AND • no solids prior to 1–5 months or >14 days prior to 6 months |
Predominant | ≥75% milk feeds as breastmilk |
• ≥75% milk feeds as breastmilk; may include formula top‐ups and any other fluids/foods OR • 100% milk feeds as breastmilk + formula top‐ups; may include any other non‐formula fluids/foods OR • 100% milk feeds as breastmilk + solids (if introduced prior to 1–5 months or >14 days prior to 6 months) |
Partial | <75% milk feeds as breastmilk |
• <75% milk feeds as breastmilk; may include formula top‐ups and any other fluids/foods OR • no breastmilk feeds < 7 days |
None | No breastmilk feeds | • no breastmilk feeds ≥7 days |