Figure 2. Hypoxia/re-oxygenation (H/R) altered Ca2+ homeostasis in ND and DM mouse house endothelial cells (MHECs).
MHECs were isolated from diabetic (DM) or non-diabetic (ND) mice. A, Representative fluorescent of intracellular calcium (Ca2+) of MHECs treated with or without MT (10μM). B, Quantitative analysis of intracellular Ca2+ concentration changes of MHECs in the following experimental groups: ND, n=22; ND(H/R), n=16; ND(H/R) + 10μM MT, n=18; DM, n=20; DM(H/R), n=25; DM(H/R) +10μM MT, n=28; *P <0.0001, ND(H/R) vs. ND; @P <0.0001, ND(H/R) + 10μM MT vs. ND(H/R); &P <0.0001, DM vs. ND; † P <0.0001, DM(H/R) vs. DM; $P <0.0001, DM(H/R) +10μM MT vs. DM(H/R). C, Representative traces of the whole cell currents of MHECs with different free calcium concentration. D, The plots shows Apamin+TRAM34-sensitive component of K+ current at +100 mV (0 calcium, n=4; 400nM Ca2+, n=3; 2μM Ca2+, n=3), *P <0.0001, 400nM Ca2+ vs. 0 Ca2+; @P <0.0001, 400nM Ca2+ vs. 2μM Ca2+; Mean ± SD, ND(H/R) = ND treated by hypoxia/re-oxygenation; DM(H/R) = DM treated by hypoxia/re-oxygenation; ND(H/R) +10μM MT = ND(H/R) + 10μM mito-Tempo; DM(H/R) +10μM MT = DM(H/R) + 10μM mito-Tempo; Mean ±SD, One-way ANOVA with a post hoc Dunnett's multiple comparisons test.